19 | GUILT

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OF ALL THE THINGS SIENNA ENJOYED DOING, SITTING AND LISTENING TO ELENA VENT ABOUT THE SALVATORE BROTHERS WASN'T ONE OF THEM. She loved Elena dearly― they had many years of friendship and they grew up together― but for the life of her, Sienna just couldn't understand why it was so hard for Elena to get her head in line with her heart. If she couldn't make a decision between the two brothers, then she just needed to choose neither of them, and leave well enough alone.

"He was gloating about it. Like actual gloat," Elena complained, pacing back and forth in her bedroom. Sienna was curled up on Elena's window seat, hugging her knees to her chest and resting her head on the window. To be honest, she was only half-listening as Elena ranted on about Damon's one night stand with Rebekah. Bonnie, however, ever the supportive friend, listened to the brunette as she attempted to burn sage and mock the spell Esther had used at the ball. "Is it working?" Elena asked, pausing her rant. 

The door opened as Caroline poked her head in with a sigh. "It's not working," she answered disappointingly. "I can hear everything you're saying about Damon, the vampire gigolo."

"What's the big deal, anyway?" Sienna spoke up, her eyebrows raising as the other three turned to look at her. "You're not exclusive, Elena. Damon is single and you can't make a decision on who you want to be with. You can't commit, so why should you expect him to?"

"I― I don't," Elena said adamantly, still deeply in denial with herself. "That's not― I'm just saying, I can't believe he slept with Klaus's sister, especially after she tried to kill me."

"At this point, who hasn't tried to kill you?"

"Not funny," Bonnie told the blonde, although the snicker escaping Caroline's mouth said otherwise. 

As Bonnie and Elena turned to shoot her a look, Caroline cleared her throat and gave her best poker-face. "What?" She asked, playing innocent. 

With a sigh, the witch shook her head and looked back at Elena. "Look, it's a tricky spell."

"When Esther did it, she kept the sage burning. There was a lot more smoke."

"All right, let's try it again." Caroline left the room again as Bonnie began burning the sage once more, attempting to mock the privacy spell for what felt like the thirteenth time. "Speaking of Esther, you should know she came to see me and Abby this morning."

Elena's eyes widened. "And all this time, you let me vent about Damon?"

"You're kind of hard to stop once you get started," Sienna commented wryly.

The two of them stopped and looked at her. "Okay, is something going on with you today?" Bonnie asked her with a frown. "You kinda seem on edge, and usually you can keep the comments to a minimum." 

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