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LIKE THINGS IN MYSTIC FALLS USUALLY DID THESE DAYS, Homecoming had turned into a bust. The Salvatores and Elena had apparently teamed up with Katherine and an Original vampire hunter named Mikael― who turned out to be Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah's father― to come up with a plan to kill Klaus. Sienna hadn't known any of this, though, so when Nate cornered her in the study where she'd disappeared into so that she could avoid the party, obviously she didn't have any answers for him. In an attempt to get Sienna away from the dangerous drama he knew would no doubt happen, Nate had knocked her out. Tyler had done the same thing to Caroline, both sisters being brought home early.

Sienna woke up hours after her sister had, her groggy mind slowly catching up to what had happened. She remembered being questioned by Nate and insisting she was in the dark about any plans, and she remembered Nate saying he had to keep her safe as she stubbornly turned to leave the room. Then something had smacked her in the back of the head, everything went black... and the next thing she knew, she was waking up in her bedroom. 

"You hit me," she accused, seeing Nate sitting on the end of her bed as her eyes fluttered open.

"I had to get you out of there before something happened," he responded. "You wouldn't have left your friends once you knew they were up to something."

"My friends?" Sienna echoed, grunting at the soreness on the back of her head as she sat up. "Nate, they were your friends too."

He snorted, turning his gaze away from her as his elbows rested upon his knees. "I haven't been friends with Elena and Bonnie in a long time, I hardly know Jeremy, and I've never been friends with the Salvatores. Caroline and I were never close, but we're civil because of you." Nate's brown eyes shifted back toward the blonde. "Sienna, you're all I really have. I wasn't going to let you stay there and get hurt."

"So you hurt me instead?" She scowled unhappily. "Nate, you can't just talk to me the way you did tonight, and you can't just hit me, and then think it's okay."

"How was I supposed to know that you weren't keeping things from me? I know how close you are with Damon, even though I'll never understand it."

"Well, how are we supposed to make it together if we can't even trust each other?" She pointed out sadly. "Nate, you've been cold since you became a werewolf. You take everything out on me. I want to help you, but that doesn't mean I'll be a doormat for you to step on. And― and this sire bond with Klaus thing, it's... it's getting to me."

"I know. I know it is, and I―I wish I could change that," the hybrid admitted. "But I need you to understand why I feel so loyal to him... Sienna, now that I'm a hybrid, I'll never have to transition on a full moon again. You've been there for me, you've seen how painful it is. And to never have to go through that again? Don't you see how liberating that is for me?" Nate sighed, ruffling his hair out of frustration. "I'll try to make a more conscious effort to separate my loyalties, okay? From now on, you're my priority. I swear."

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