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SIENNA WAS NOT IN THE MOOD TO GO TO THE DANCE. For starters, her boyfriend (or was he an ex-boyfriend now?) was M.I.A., and he was basically the only thing that ever made the dances fun for her. And there was also the fact that she just genuinely didn't feel like doing much, other than lay in bed and waste away the evening. Plus, she had a book report on The Catcher in the Rye that needed to be written, too.

However, her sister was Caroline Forbes, head of the dance committee. She wasn't about to let Sienna skip out on the dance, especially when Sienna was the one who had painted most of the decorations and helped make their costumes for the night. So, despite her reluctance, Sienna had put on her favorite shade of red lipstick and let Caroline do her hair. "There," the peppy Forbes said proudly, turning Sienna in her chair so that she could see herself in the mirror. "Voila. A beautiful canvas made into an even more beautiful masterpiece by yours truly. Nate's missing out and it's all his fault."

"Thanks, Care." She tried not to let her expression fall at the mention of Nate, but figured she failed miserably when Caroline gave her a sympathetic look and reached for her hands, pulling her up to her feet.

"Come on, Si!" Caroline told her with an encouraging smile. "We are going to have a good night and not think about depressing things like Nate or Tyler. Deal?"

Sienna nodded. "Deal."

Arm in arm, the two sisters made their way down the stairs. "Oh! Do you remember where I set those gloves earlier?" Caroline asked, realizing she hadn't put them on her hands yet. Sienna shook her head, prompting Caroline to sigh and walk off in search of them. "Found them!" She called out only moments later, returning to the foyer as she slid the gloves on. "I forgot them on the coffee table. Matt should be here soon— are you riding with us?"

"And be a third wheel?" She snorted. "No way. I'm driving myself so whenever I get bored, I can leave."

Before Caroline could nag at Sienna for saying she was going to leave the dance early, their mother arrived home and came through the front door. "There you are!" Caroline exclaimed, happy to see that Liz had gotten home before they left. "You almost missed us. How do we look?"

Liz smiled as she looked at her daughters. "Jackie O?" She asked Caroline.


"And you?" She asked Sienna, unable to guess who she was going as.

Sienna shrugged. "Just myself, in a 60's style dress. I wasn't originally going to go until Caroline burst into my room with this dress earlier."

Liz shook her head in amusement. It was just like Sienna to try and skip out on a school dance; and it was just like Caroline to make sure she failed at it. "Well, you both look good."

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