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THE NIGHT WAS QUIET AS SIENNA LEANED AGAINST HER CAR, PRESSING HER PHONE AGAINST HER EAR. It was about the fourth time she'd tried calling him, and she should have expected the sound of his voicemail by now, but it still drew a shaky sigh from her lips. "Nate, it's me, I― I know we're not on the best of terms right now, but... but my dad, he's... he's dying," she said to the voicemail recorder. "And I just― all I really want right now is for my boyfriend to be here, with me, and... and..." A beep interrupted her, signaling that her time was up. She ended the call and shoved the phone into her pocket before turning and walking back up to the porch, where Elena and Caroline were sitting.

"Anything?" Elena asked her as she approached them.

"Nothing," she answered, climbing up the porch steps and sitting on the one just in front of Caroline and Elena. "Did you get a hold of Tyler, Care?"

"No, and I've left messages for him everywhere. I..." Caroline sighed, then shook the thoughts away as she glanced at Elena. "So does Alaric really think that Dr. Fell did it?"

"He doesn't know what to think."

"What about you?"

Elena hesitated, staring down at her lap. "I wish the girl Alaric liked wasn't in the middle of all of this," she admitted. "He deserves to be happy. But, yeah. She looks guilty. That's why I told your mom."

A moment of silence fell over them as they sat on the porch steps, feeling the weight of everything that had happened pressing down on them. "Our mom is sitting in there with our dad," Caroline said suddenly, looking at their front door. "And I don't think they've been in the same room this long since we were ten years old." Sienna nodded her agreement, resting her elbow on her sister's knee as she cupped her chin in her hand. Caroline placed a comforting hand on Sienna's shoulder as she thought to herself for a moment. "Is there any chance that Tyler and Nate did it?" She asked suddenly.

"What?" Elena asked in surprise. Sienna merely looked up at her sister, not reacting to the question at all; the same question had found its way into her own thoughts, after all.

"If Klaus was trying to mess with you― and they're sired to Klaus, and... I mean, they do everything that they're told..."

"No." Elena shook her head firmly. "No, I don't think they did it."

Caroline tried to swallow the lump in her throat as she nodded. "Well, I― I can't just let our father die," she said. "You know, I― I'm going to force him to feed."

"Caroline, you can't do that." Sienna's voice was soft as she turned slightly, reaching up to grab her sister's hands. "We can't force him to do that. His choice is the only thing he has left, and... and we can't take that away from him."

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