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BEFORE THEIR EYES HAD BEEN OPENED TO THE SUPERNATURAL, Sienna had never once stopped to second-guess her relationship with Nate Lockwood. While sometimes she felt like he was out of her league― given that he was a straight-A member of the football team and she often felt like an out-of-place artsy misfit who lived in her sister's shadow― the two of them had known each other since birth, and they had always been close. When Nate had asked her out last year, the two of them just sort of fell into each other, and it felt... not natural, exactly, but not forced either. Maybe 'easy' was a good term to describe it. Sienna and Nate had already known everything about each other, after all.

Or so they had thought. Neither of them had known about the Lockwood's werewolf gene, nor would they have ever even thought of the possibility of it before. When Nate's estranged, flighty father moved back to town, the proverbial shit in Mystic Falls hit the fan once again. Stefan and Damon said they had it under control... but then Damon killed Mason, and during an altercation at the Masquerade Ball, Tyler and Nate accidentally killed Sarah and Aimee, subsequently triggering their curse.

Still, Sienna and Nate stayed together. She wanted to help him through it. And she really was trying her hardest, but even that wasn't enough. Especially when Nate and Tyler found out about vampires, and the fact that Damon had killed Mason. Nate had lashed out at Sienna, thinking she was a vampire and that she had known about Mason's death― both of which weren't true. She told him so, but he was still angry as he left. When she and Caroline were taken and tortured by Jules, he and Tyler didn't do anything to help them. Just watched.

That really hurt Sienna. She knew Nate was upset with her, that much was obvious... but for him to be able to sit back and watch her be tortured? Shot? Nearly killed? That was brutal, and entirely uncalled for. She hated him for that.

So why did she still miss him? Why did she still worry about him?

She hated herself for that.

"Okay." Caroline's voice brought her out of her thoughts, and she glanced over at her sister, who was checking her reflection in the visor mirror of the car. "He's gotta come around at some point, right? Or maybe I'll just compel him. Yeah, I'll just compel him. And we can put this whole thing behind us."

"Except you can't," Sienna pointed out, raising her eyebrows when Caroline shot her a dirty look. "Care, you know I'm right. If you and Matt are gonna work out, he has to accept you for who you are. Fangs and all." Caroline made a face at her for that last bit, and she flashed a smile before continuing. "Besides, you did save his life."

Caroline nodded. "You're right. I just need to talk to him and let him know I'm the same Caroline I was, and that I'd never hurt him." She took a deep breath to calm herself, then popped her door open and glanced back at Sienna. "You're coming in with me, right?"

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