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IT SEEMED LIKE THE CROWD HAD GOTTEN BIGGER AND THE MUSIC HAD GOTTEN LOUDER as Elena and Sienna stumbled through the dancing teenagers, attempting to find Stefan like Damon had told them to do. "Do you see him?" Sienna asked loudly, talking over the sound of the music so that Elena would be able to hear her.

"No," Elena answered anxiously, spinning around in a circle in search of her boyfriend.

"Hey!" Sienna stiffened at the sound of her sister's voice, turning to see Caroline approaching them worriedly. Even though Caroline was a vampire, and therefore more capable of defending herself than Sienna was, she still didn't want Caroline tangled up in what was happening. "Are you guys okay?"

"Um... yeah!" Elena told her, exchanging a glance with Sienna, who nodded in agreement. "We're just— we're looking for Stefan."

Caroline pursed her lips. "Seriously, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Elena lied, already beginning to walk away.

"Sienna!" Caroline quickly grasped onto her sister's wrist, waiting for an honest answer. "Tell me what's going on."

"Everything's fine, Care, just— just stay with Matt, okay?" Sienna forced a smile for Matt's sake, seeing the boy hovering behind Caroline awkwardly. Then she pulled her wrist away from Caroline and darted after Elena, not wanting the doppelganger to be left alone.

The moment they found Stefan, Elena hurriedly blurted out what was going on and led him back the way they had came. Damon met them halfway, but he was alone. "Where's Bonnie?" Elena asked.

"She's doing what she has to do."

"What?!" She and Sienna both exclaimed. 

"Where is she?" Stefan demanded.

"Stefan, let her do this."

"Damn it, Damon!" The younger Salvatore shouted angrily. "Where is she?!"

"Fuck this, I'll find her myself," Sienna muttered, her concern for her friend causing her inability to think straight.

Damon reached over and grasped her by the upper arm as soon as she tried to run past him, stopping her right in her tracks. "Don't be stupid, Goldie. You'll get yourself killed."

"Let her go, Damon." Stefan grabbed his brother's wrist and yanked it away from the blonde. "We don't have time to play your games." To Elena and Sienna, he said, "Let's go." The three of them took off running in the direction Damon had came from. "I can hear her," Stefan said as they ran. "I think they're in the cafeteria."

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