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THE SUMMER PASSED BY SLOWLY, AS IF TIME WERE DREDGING ITS WAY THROUGH THICK, MURKY WATER. Although Sienna had things to be grateful for, she still had things to be sad about. It was weird not having Stefan around, and she worried about whatever Klaus was getting him into, wherever they were. And things at home weren't in the best shape, either; although Liz was making a more conscious effort to come to terms with the fact that one of her daughters was a vampire, she still slipped up sometimes. 

She thought Sienna and Caroline didn't notice it, but they did— it showed whenever she flinched at Caroline trying to hug her, or even just walking past her sometimes; or whenever she stared at Caroline just a little too long while she was eating food, as if she was trying to convince herself that was the only form of sustenance her daughter needed. And the one time Caroline had slipped up and drank from a blood bag when Liz was home, the older woman let out an audible gasp and stumbled over herself as she left the room. Caroline had been so upset that day, not even Sienna or Tyler were able to get her to leave her bedroom.

But Liz was trying to make up for it. She really was, and the girls could see her effort. Especially because she was spearheading the whole Finding-Stefan thing. Liz used her clearance as a law enforcement official to look into cases involving animal attacks that could be linked to vampires, and then she reported it to the others. Sienna was torn about the whole thing— she had told Elena, Damon and everyone about the warning that Klaus gave her, and she knew he wasn't joking about it. Plus, she had promised Stefan to try and keep them from doing anything reckless. But on the other hand... she wanted to find Stefan and bring him home, too.

Which was why she had secretly been helping Damon search for any clues on where his missing brother had gone with the Original Hybrid. He didn't want Elena involved in the search because he didn't want Klaus realizing she was still alive and human— and, honestly, Sienna agreed with his reasoning. So, she and Alaric both had been helping him investigate news reports on the television, on the internet and in newspapers around the country; and if they found anything of importance, they'd cut or print it out to keep track of. 

Usually, Damon never brought Sienna along when he and Ric went out to follow leads. "You just need to stay home, Goldie," he had told her once when she asked why he always left her behind. "We don't need you getting hurt and slowing us down." Which, she knew, was just Damon's way of saying that he was concerned about her safety.

"Did she answer yet?" Sienna asked her sister impatiently, adjusting her grip on the shopping bags she was carrying. Today was Elena's birthday, but even though she didn't want a party, Caroline obviously wasn't listening to her. Bonnie was still out of town with her dad's side of the family, so that only left Sienna to help Caroline plan the party and put it all together. She didn't mind, though; shopping and party-planning were two normal, high-school things that Sienna wished she could do more often— without worrying about supernatural things.

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