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CAROLINE HAD BEEN FULLY PREPARED TO GIVE HER SISTER A PEP-TALK on why she shouldn't skip out on Senior Prank Night. She had braced herself as she walked upstairs toward Sienna's bedroom, anticipating the bickering back and forth that usually happened between the sisters— when Caroline insisted they both attend a school function, even though Sienna usually tried to skip out. However, when she opened Sienna's door, she was surprised to find the older Forbes was already dressed and ready to go. "What?" Sienna had asked when she saw the look on her sister's face. "Senior Prank Night is literally the only thing I've been looking forward to lately."

And so it was that, an hour later, Sienna was crouched down on the floor of one of their classrooms with her friends as they set up dozens of mousetraps. It was tedious work, but given all of the pranks they were doing throughout the entire school, it would be worth it to see the looks on their teachers faces the next day. "Almost done, guys," Tyler said as they all worked together. "Then we can hit up the next classroom."

"Good, because this prank seriously blows—" The door swung open suddenly, cutting off Sienna's words as they all looked up. Matt had entered the room, his foot hitting a few of the mouse traps, which subsequently caused every single one to go off. Sienna groaned irritably and shoved the ones near her, having had enough of the stupid things.

"Aw, come on!" Caroline exclaimed. "Seriously?! Do you know how long it took us to set all this up?!"

"I quit," Nate said decisively, shaking his head in frustration as he stood up.

"Forgot about Senior Prank Night, huh?" Tyler asked him, seeing the dumbstruck look on Matt's face.


"How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since like Freshman year," Caroline retorted.

"Yeah, Matt," Elena said, raising her eyebrows. "If I'm doing this, you're doing this."

Sienna shot the brunette a look. "You're not the only one that has problems, Elena."

Everyone looked at Sienna, surprised at her sudden comment. Lately, the blonde had been more irritable and more outspoken about things. In the past, Sienna used to keep her thoughts to herself and if her emotions got to be too much, she just isolated herself. Now, it felt like she was just a ticking time-bomb. "Ouch," Elena mumbled, obviously hurt by her friend's comment.

"Uh." Matt cleared his throat, trying to eradicate the tension in the air. "I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this."

Bonnie shrugged. "Caroline's making us."

"We're about to be seniors," Caroline told Matt. "These are the memories that stay with us forever, and if we don't—"

"—if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point of it all?" Elena finished, an amused smirk on her face as she wiggled her eyebrows at Caroline.

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