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THE NEXT FEW DAYS CONSISTED OF HELPING ELENA PLAN FUNERALS for Jenna and John, and being bitter about the fact that Elijah had betrayed his deal with Elena to help Klaus— which meant that, in the end, Klaus won. He broke his curse and got away with it. The only good thing was that Elena didn't have to turn into a vampire, due to a spell John had asked Bonnie to do, which exchanged Elena's human life for his. But everything else... everything else, well, it sucked.

"I honestly can't even believe we're here right now," Sienna said with a sigh, leaning back on her elbows as she laid on the blanket Caroline had spread out on the grass. Her phone vibrated on her lap with a new text from Nate, and she made a face as she texted him back— still a little bummed that he had skipped out on the movie plans in favor of staying home and avoiding people. If her sister wasn't so demanding and persuasive, Sienna would have done the same thing, honestly. 

"Tell me about it," Jeremy agreed flatly as he caught the bottle of water Elena tossed to him. The four of them were at the showing of Gone with the Wind, having a picnic together; something that seemed so mundane and unnecessary considering how the past week had gone.

"Shut up, you two negative-nancies." Caroline rolled her eyes, but then stopped and smiled when she caught sight of something over Sienna's shoulder. "Look who showed up."

"Hey," Elena greeted as they all saw Stefan approaching them. "Look who couldn't resist an epic romance."

Stefan tried to smile at them, but something about it was forced. "Will you come take a walk with me?" He asked her, before glancing at the blonde who was picking at her sandwich with disinterest. "Sienna, you too? I need to talk to both of you about something."

"Okay, sure," Elena agreed, standing up as Sienna did the same. The three of them walked away as she added, "You're breaking the rules, you know. Movie night was supposed to be a distraction. Tomorrow we can return to our regularly-scheduled drama."

"I know. I wish this could wait, but it can't." Stefan sighed. "Listen, um, the other night when Damon was helping Tyler and Nate, something happened."

Sienna's face paled, immediately catching onto what Stefan was going to tell them. "He told me that it didn't," she said, shaking her head. "He said he was fine."

"He lied, Sienna. He didn't want to worry you."

The friendship between Sienna Forbes and Damon Salvatore had been the most unexpected of friendships that formed within the Mystic Falls gang. At first Sienna hated him for using her sister, and the two of them butted heads every time they were around each other. Once, Sienna had gotten so pissed at the smug vampire, she had taken some of Alaric's vervain and wiped it on every door handle of his car, including his steering wheel, knowing that it would piss Damon off. In retaliation, Damon had compelled a random person to break into the Forbes home during school hours and steal Sienna's art-work supplies. They were constantly finding petty ways to get at each other. 

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