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A GROAN OF ANNOYANCE ESCAPED SIENNA'S THROAT AS HER CELL PHONE RANG, BREAKING THE PEACEFUL SILENCE OF HER ROOM. She ignored it stubbornly, turning around in Nate's arms to rest her head on his chest and try to get back to sleep. Nate tightened his grip on her, sighing tiredly. "Who's calling you?" He mumbled, his voice coarse from sleep.

"Don't know, don't care," she mumbled back carelessly as her phone finally stopped ringing. The two of them were just about to fall back asleep when Nate's phone started going off. Sienna nearly growled, coming to terms with the fact that whoever it was didn't want to let them sleep. "Oh, for fuck's sake." She leaned over Nate's chest and snatched his phone off of her night stand, glancing at the screen before answering. "Tyler, if this isn't an emergency I swear—"

"Have you heard from Caroline?" He cut her off, already knowing fully well that Sienna was never a happy camper when someone had to wake her up. "We, uh— we spent the night together, but she was gone by the time I woke up."

Sienna rolled back over, blindly reaching toward the ground until her fingers brushed against Nate's flannel. "You're waking us up because you missed Caroline's walk of shame?" She asked as she slid her arms into the sleeves of the flannel and stood up, crossing the floor over to her bathroom door. 

"Well, she hasn't been answering any of my calls."

"Okay, so maybe she's just trying to adjust to your new relationship development," Sienna suggested as she got ready to brush her teeth. "She'll come around, Ty. What are you so worried about?"

"I don't know, I just..." Tyler sighed on the other end of the phone call. "I have a bad feeling. Can you and Nate meet me at the Grill? I was originally supposed to meet Caroline, but she never showed. So now I just look dumb and friendless."

The blonde snorted in amusement. "You are dumb," she responded with her toothbrush in her mouth, "but you aren't friendless." Glancing over her shoulder at the werewolf in her bed, Sienna added, "I'll get Nate up and moving, we should be there in thirty minutes."

True to her word, Sienna managed to get Nate out of bed and moving. When the got to the Grill, they caught sight of Tyler playing pool by himself and headed over to him. "This is a new low, dude," Nate teased his cousin, grabbing an extra pool-stick to join him. "Playing pool by yourself?"

"I'm not even in the mood for your shit, man," Tyler grumbled, but he smiled slightly and shook his head anyway. 

"I tried calling Care and texted her, but she hasn't responded yet, Ty." Sienna sat on top of the table next to the pool-table, watching them play. Matt came over a few minutes later with a steaming cup of coffee for her. "Thanks, Matty," she told him with a smile as she took a sip of the drink. Her nose scrunched up slightly as an odd aftertaste was left behind. "Did you put some kind of new creamer in this today?"

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