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"I ALREADY TOLD YOU, SIENNA, I'M FINE," Caroline insisted the next day as they headed to Bonnie's house. The Founder's Day Party was being held today, and being from the Forbes family— one of the Founding Families— they were expected to bring a dish. Caroline had suggested making chili, but Sienna had vetoed that idea instantly; after bickering back and forth between the sisters, Liz managed to get them to agree on making stuffed pepper soup instead. It was something they doubted any of the other families would make. "I just want to get through the day, avoid our father and try to pretend that the past forty-eight hours didn't happen."

Sienna sighed as she rolled her car to a stop outside their friend's house, beeping to let her know they were there. "Caroline, you just went through a lot, okay? And I just want you to know that if you need anything— if you need to vent, or cry, or whatever— I'm here."

Caroline smiled slightly. "I know, Si. Have I ever told you that you're the best sister ever?"

"Hmm. I might have heard it once or twice before." Sienna wiggled her eyebrows jokingly. "Couldn't hurt to hear it again."

The younger Forbes laughed as Bonnie got in the car, a grin on her face. "Oh my God, I missed you guys!" She exclaimed, glad to see her friends again. "What did I miss?"

The sisters delved into an explanation over everything that had happened while Bonnie was gone for the summer, and by the time they reached Elena's, the witch was caught up. The three of them headed up to the door, Bonnie standing out of sight so that they could surprise the brunette; after she and Damon failed to bring Stefan home twice, Elena needed some kind of pick-me-up. "We come bearing gifts!" Caroline told the brown-eyed girl happily, as soon as she swung open the door.

Elena eyed the bowl in her hands and winced. "Please say that's not chili."

"It's stuffed pepper soup, actually. I'm offended you think I would allow the Forbes to be just like every other Founding Family." Sienna scoffed playfully and took the bowl out of Caroline's hands, maneuvering past Elena to enter the house and give Bonnie room to step into the doorway. "This isn't even the gift, anyway."

"Wha— Bonnie!" Elena exclaimed once she caught sight of their witch friend. 

The two girls embraced in a tight hug. "I leave town for the summer, and everything goes to hell for the both of you," Bonnie said with a sigh, glancing between Elena and Caroline.

Sienna shrugged. "Next summer it will probably be my turn." The girls laughed together, moving into the kitchen after Bonnie said her hellos with Jeremy. Seeing that Elena had copped out and started making chili for the party, Sienna smirked. "See, Care? I told you that the other families would be making chili."

Elena groaned. "Damon said the same thing, but it's already started, so I don't even care anymore." She grabbed the crock pot and carried it over to the breakfast bar, glancing at Bonnie, who slid into the chair next to Sienna. "How was your summer, Bon?"

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