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THE SILENCE OF HER CAR SEEMED A LOT MORE WELCOMING than the crowd of students gathered outside of the high school. Sienna's blue eyes drifted over the happy faces of people she had known her entire life, each of them excited for another year of school; another year of relationships and parties and memories they'll hold onto forever. Their excitement was obvious as she looked at them, but the sinking feeling in her stomach contrasted greatly with it. Sienna was not excited for her senior year of school, not like she should be. Not with everything that was going on around her.

The sound of someone rapping their knuckles against her car's window made her flinch, having not been paying attention to who was walking up to her vehicle. Her sister's bright eyes stared through the window at her, an encouraging smile on her face as she gestured for Sienna to roll down the window. "Turn that frown upside-down, sis!" Caroline chirped happily once Sienna tapped the button. "It's our last year of high-school. Gotta live it up! Come on― let's go find Bonnie and Elena."

Fighting the urge to groan very loudly, Sienna got out of the car and trudged along with her happy-go-lucky sister as they went to find their friends. She wasn't a fool― she knew Caroline wasn't too excited about school starting up again, either. In reality, Caroline was worried to death at what Tyler and Nate's transformations would mean for them, and how they were going to help Stefan get his humanity back. But when Caroline was stressed or worried, she always channeled that into trying to get things accomplished and being happy and strong for everyone else. And so, even though Caroline's excessive peppiness somewhat irritated the grumpy Sienna, she tagged along with her sister. Sienna understood her erratic sister in ways that no one else did, not even their lifelong friends. It was why she and Elena butted heads over Caroline a lot― Elena tended to snap at Caroline or mock her, and Sienna hated that.

"Here we are," Caroline said as she and Sienna approached Bonnie and Elena. "Senior year."

There was a brief pause as her words sunk into the teenage girls, until Bonnie sighed. "Anyone else think it should feel slightly more empowering?" Sienna quietly hummed in agreement, her nimble fingers picking at a loose thread in her mint-green sundress. 

Before Elena could add anything, Caroline quickly said, "Okay, so prank night was a bust. But we are accepting it, and we are moving on." She plastered on another smile and began to lead the way toward the school's entrance.

"You're right," Bonnie agreed. "I mean, why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghosts of his dead girlfriends hinder this experience?"

"Yes!" Caroline nodded emphatically. "And why should Sienna and I let the fact that our boyfriends were turned into hybrids put a damper on an otherwise-fabulous?"

"Today's our anniversary," Elena cut in, her voice soft and melancholy. "Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year."

"Yeah, you win."

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