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TWO HOURS HAD PASSED AND STILL SIENNA SAT ANXIOUSLY, bouncing her knee and lying every time her mother asked if something was wrong. "No, everything's fine," she would reassure Liz. "Just procrastinating some homework." And even though Liz could tell she wasn't being honest, she didn't push her daughter into fessing up what was on her mind.

Truthfully, though, Sienna wished things were still as simple as procrastinating homework or focusing on the next volleyball game. But things like that had taken a back-burner the moment all things supernatural had been revealed to her and her sister had turned into a vampire. And now here she was, sitting at home while Caroline was God knows where, while Klaus planned on sacrificing Elena tonight along with a werewolf and a vampire.

When someone knocked on the front door, Sienna nearly tripped over herself as she jumped out of the arm-chair and hurried to answer it. Thinking it was Damon, possibly returning with news about her sister, Sienna was already mid-question as she swung the door open. "Did you find— Nate?" She gasped in surprise,  not expecting to see him standing on her porch. "Where have you been? Are you okay? I—"

"I'm looking for Tyler," he cut her off as his gaze shifted over her shoulder. Sienna stepped aside as he moved to enter the house, letting him pass her. "Is he here?"

"No, I haven't seen him. What's going on?" She asked. When he didn't seem like he was going to answer, Sienna frowned. "Nate, I'm not your enemy."

He sighed. "He's missing. I thought he might be with Caroline."

Sienna's expression fell. "Caroline's missing, too," she whispered, grabbing his elbow and tugging him outside onto the porch so that Liz wouldn't overhear. "This isn't good, Nate."

Nate frowned, studying Sienna's face. He could see the fear in her blue eyes clear as day; he'd always been good at reading her. Nate Lockwood knew Sienna Forbes like the back of his hand. "Why are you so afraid, Si?"

She swallowed thickly. "There's this old vampire— one of the first vampires ever— his name is Klaus, and he's here to perform some ritual to break the Sun and Moon curse," Sienna explained as quickly as she could. "But to do that he needs to sacrifice three people. The doppelganger, which is Elena... and a werewolf, and a vampire. And if Caroline and Tyler are missing..."

"You think Klaus might have taken them," he realized, quickly putting two and two together.

"We need to find them before—"

"We don't need to do anything," Nate interrupted her firmly. "You need to stay here where it's safe. If I don't find Tyler in time before the full moon, I'm going to shift and I don't need you anywhere near me."

Sienna scowled stubbornly. "I am not sitting at home while my sister and Tyler are in danger."

"Yes you are."

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