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DETERMINED TO LIVE AS NORMAL A LIFE AS SHE COULD, Sienna went to school a few mornings later with a box full of birthday decorations for her sister's locker. Elena and Bonnie were supposed to meet her there and help her, but by the time they showed up, Sienna was already almost finished decorating Caroline's locker with everything she had stayed up all night putting together. There was only one thing left to put up, and Sienna did so as Elena informed the witch that she'd had Damon compel Jeremy to leave town soon.

Admittedly, Sienna was annoyed with Elena for having Damon take Jeremy's free will away. But she also understood why Elena had done it. Jeremy had almost died because of the issues they were having with Klaus― and Tyler and Nate had both been involved with what happened. They had hung out with Jeremy long enough to get him off vervain so that he could be compelled, and because of that, Jeremy was almost killed. The only reason he wasn't was because Alaric had taken his place. Sienna had ignored Nate's calls all morning after Elena told her what happened. 

Honestly, the blonde was just so tired of everything going on with all their supernatural problems. She wanted her sister's birthday to be as drama-free as possible. So while her two friends talked, she had simply walked away with a huff. But Caroline never showed up for any of her classes that day, which prompted Sienna to rally all of their friends together and plan something different. 

When Caroline finally came home, they all jumped out and shouted, "Surprise!"

The birthday girl jumped slightly, whirling around with wide eyes. She smiled when she saw her sister's huge grin, a dorky birthday hat on her head and a huge cake in her hands. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked, seeing Elena, Bonnie and Matt all wearing birthday hats as well.

"Well, you blew off school and missed Sienna's work of birthday art, so she wanted us to move the party," Elena said, walking forward and putting the birthday tiara on Caroline's head.

"Change into warmer clothes; we're going to the Falls," Bonnie said with a smile. "S'mores, campfire―"

"Cake, like when we were little!" Elena added happily.

"Except with tequila," Matt piped up mischievously. Sienna held the cake with one hand so that she could reach up and high-five him, the two of them laughing together.

Caroline smiled slightly at the sight. She hadn't seen her sister look excited for anything in a while, so she felt bad for what she was about to say― but to be honest, she just wasn't in a good mood today. "Thanks, guys, really, um... I'm just not really feeling my birthday this year."

Sienna's expression fell at her sister's words, the cake in her hands being lowered as she exchanged glances with Bonnie, who kept a smile on her face even though she was just as shocked at Caroline's statement. "I'm sorry, what? You've already claimed your birthday as everyone's favorite day of the year!"

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