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THAT NIGHT, BONNIE HAD SUCCEEDED IN CLOSING THE GATE TO THE OTHER SIDE. Sienna had stood with Jeremy in the corner of the room and watched Bonnie and her grams perform the spell together, hands clasped tightly and voices strong and certain. Once the spell was completed, Miss Sheila managed to get a few words out before she disappeared again; this time, for good. Sienna excused herself shortly after, leaving Jeremy and Bonnie to talk in private.

She knew that everyone's emotions had went haywire―for once, though, her own emotions  were calm and steady. Seeing Reilly that afternoon had been entirely unexpected, but Sienna was grateful for it. She had finally gotten the closure that she had needed ever since the accident, and it wasn't until now that she felt like she could really move past it.

But first, she knew she had to talk to Nate.

He waited for her on the steps of the Lockwood mansion's front porch, elbows resting on his knees and hands folded together. Mason had visited his son before meeting with Damon at the old cellars, letting Nate know that he loved him and missed him and regretted not teaching him about their family's curse sooner. But Nate didn't even know how to react. Mason had been touch-and-go his entire life― why was his death any different? He loved his dad, he couldn't deny that. But time lost was just that: time lost. You can never get it back. And you can't change the past. So he knew it was harsh of him, but in all reality, Nate just didn't know how to react when his dead father appeared in front of him and started talking like nothing had even happened.

"I just stared at him," he told Sienna after recounting everything Mason had said to him. "I mean, what was I supposed to say? My dad had barely been around for the better part of my life. I'd gotten used to him being gone. And yeah, I― of course I was sad that he died, but... dealing with it, it wasn't so difficult, because I was already used to him being gone. Does that make sense? I feel like I'm not making any sense."

"No, it makes sense," Sienna assured him. 

"Yeah..." Nate stopped and released a deep breath, dragging a hand over his tired face before he turned to the blonde sitting beside him. "Anyway, what did you need to talk about?"

"Well." The blue-eyed girl worried her lip between her teeth, not exactly sure how to breach the subject that she needed to speak with Nate about. "Reilly showed up out of the blue while the veil was down."

"What?" His eyebrows rose in surprise. "How did that go? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, honestly. Reilly just― she said that I was her unfinished business," she explained. "That she needed me to understand the accident wasn't my fault, and she needed to know that I could stop dwelling on it and finally move on." Sienna paused before continuing, "The visit was really brief, but before she left, I... I kissed her." She stole a glance at Nate, only to see him staring straight out ahead of him into the night, his expression blank. "It was just a goodbye kiss, because I'll never see her again, but I know it was technically cheating on you and I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Nate, I―"

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