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SIENNA'S NERVES WERE ON OVERDRIVE THE NEXT DAY, AND SHE COULDN'T HANDLE IT. When she and Caroline woke up the next morning, they had came downstairs to find both Nate and Tyler sitting in the living room. The two hybrids were full of apologies and promises that they were going to find a way to break their sire bonds. Then their father entered the living room, having exited the kitchen where he had been making coffee. Liz had called and asked him to come― the thought was, if he could train himself to resist compulsion, he could train Nate and Tyler to resist the sire bond. 

It was too much for Sienna to deal with. She was still highly pissed off at both Lockwoods, considering the fact that her sister had almost died― and that Jeremy would have died, if it wasn't for Alaric pushing him out of the way and dying himself, only being revived because of his ring. And even despite that, she still held a massive grudge against her father for the way he had tortured Caroline. To be able to stand there in the same cellar her sister was tortured in and watch as he preached about control, to watch as Nate and Tyler had to keep transforming into their wolves? She just didn't have the patience, or the heart for it.

And so, after Caroline promised to text her with any updates, Sienna had headed off to the Grill for some brunch. She had made plans with her only non-problematic friend― Matt― although, he didn't get off work until three in the afternoon. Sienna figured she'd just hang out at the Grill until then, grab a bite to eat and draw in her sketchbook to pass the time.

Choosing a small booth in the far corner of the bar and grill, Sienna nibbled on her food here and there as she sketched. A frown of concentration tugged at the corners of her lips as she reached up her free hand to readjust the earphones in her ears. Florence Welch's voice bled through the small speakers, drowning out the sound of pool balls and mindless chatter around the room. For once she was simply just another teenage girl, drawing and listening to music, ignoring everything around her.

However, the moment soon ended when a flash of dark leather caught her eye. Sienna looked up, half-expecting Damon to have been the one who'd slid into the empty seat across from her. When she saw that it was Klaus instead, she sighed. "Can't I just have one peaceful afternoon?" She muttered, pulling out her earphones.

He smiled at her. "I assure you, love, I have no plans to make your afternoon any less peaceful."

"I doubt that," she responded, closing her sketchbook. "The devil always has plans, and none of them are ever particularly peaceful."

Klaus's eyebrows rose. "You like to refer to me as the devil quite a lot," he commented.

Sienna shrugged. "It seems to fit," she told him. "That, or I guess I could call you Hades."

"The God of the Underworld?" Klaus snorted in amusement. "And why is that?"

"Hades is the ruler of the dead. You seem to leave a lot of bodies in your wake, so long as it gets you what you want," the blonde said matter-of-factly. "Hades is also powerful, he inspires both awe and terror at the same time, and he takes what he wants. I don't see how you're any different."

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