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WITH NOTHING ELSE TO DO, SIENNA DID RETURN HOME LIKE KLAUS HAD TOLD HER TO. She sat there for the next three hours, anxiously pacing back and forth in her room as she awaited some sort of news on how everything with Esther and the Mikaelsons had went. Her nerves were shot, as she was both concerned about the safety of her friends, and afraid of what they would think of her if they knew she had sold them out to Klaus. Not that it did her any good, since the hybrid had gotten pissed off at her― but really, she hadn't expected anything less. 

She hoped he had meant what he said; that he wouldn't tell any of her friends what she had done tonight. None of them would forgive her, Damon most of all... and he was one of her best friends. What would she do if the people she cared about most turned their backs on her? Were the Mikaelsons really worth that? Sienna wasn't sure, but even with how afraid she was at what the backlash would be, she didn't exactly regret telling Klaus. Regardless of everything he did, Sienna didn't think it was right to let his siblings die because of that. And, to be honest, Sienna wasn't sure if she liked the idea of Klaus being dead, either. Oddly enough, she had gotten used to him being around― and that worried her. 

Eventually, Caroline returned home with Bonnie and an unconscious Abby in tow. After laying Bonnie's mother down on Caroline's bed, Caroline pulled Sienna aside and explained everything that had happened. Stefan and Damon had figured out that the only way to stop the ritual was to stop Esther from channeling the Bennett bloodline― and the only way to do that was to kill one of the witches she was channeling. Damon fed Abby his blood before snapping her neck, effectively killing her. Elena would be freed per Elijah's word, and the Mikaelson siblings were spared.

Sienna felt horrible for Bonnie. Every time something happened, Bonnie always did her best to help with no complaints and no hesitation; but every time, it was always Bonnie that ended up hurt. Her grandmother had died after exerting too much energy reversing the spell on the tomb. The boy she was in love with had been compelled to move to the other side of the continent, leaving her behind. And now, after reconnecting with her estranged mother, Abby had gotten killed and was now in transition to become something they hated. It wasn't fair, but Sienna didn't know how to help her feel better. 

Elena arrived not long after that, wanting to see Bonnie and tell her that she was sorry. It wasn't her fault that Abby had been killed, but it had only happened because of her; and that was why Bonnie didn't want to see Elena right away. Caroline and Sienna had to tell her that, feeling terrible for telling Elena she couldn't come in their house.

"Please just let me talk to her," Elena pleaded, hurt and shocked that they wouldn't let her inside.

Caroline shook her head. "Abby's in transition," she told her softly. "It's going to be really hard over the next few days, and if Bonnie needs some time to deal, I think you should give it to her."

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