baby momma.

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"where's john, i have to talk to him?" kenzie pushes past me. the edge of her elbow digging into my arm. i moved to the side, avoiding getting knocked over. with a frown i shut the door after she walked in.

"why are you here?" being her past with johnny she had no right to barge into my home assuming things. john and i'd gotten together shortly after they'd broken up.
"where's johnny?" completely disregarding my question.

"kenzie, you can't just walk in my house like this."
"you let me in."
"i didn't."
"there was a crack in the door and you saw me come in so therefore you let me in." she scoffed. god knows why the front door was open, because i honestly didn't leave it open.

i roll my eyes at her pissy attitude, barging into my damn house like she owns the place. the last time i'd seen her i hoped we'd never had to speak again.

"i know he's here, his car is outside." her dark brown eyes scanning my figure and posture. "is that his shirt?"


"that's his shirt." her bottom lip poked out in a frown. my eyebrows raise once she yanks on the sleeve.

"don't touch me."

"tell me where he is."

"uh, he's in the bedroom, i'll go get him." my unsure tone beaming. "stay here."

"where else would i even go?" her snarky comment making me purse my lips.
instead i make no reply and make my way upstairs.

knocking on the bedroom door, i poke my head around the slim wood. johns sprawled out across the mattress, some limbs hanging off the side of it.

hearing me enter, he glances up. "did you get it?" referring to the door that he sent me down stairs to get a few minutes prior.

"it's kenzie." i tell him, leaning my tired body against the doorframe. his eyebrows furrow. "she wants to talk to you."

"do you know what she wants?"
"she won't tell me, she just wants to talk." i reply. widening the space between the door and him. he stands up from the bed, stretching.

we make our way there, my nerves getting the best of me. i shouldn't be this nervous to listen to what kenzie has to say but i am.

"took you long enough." she says, folding her arms cross. i let johns arm fall from my shoulder, moving away a little bit. her eyes are on us, in an intimidating way.

"what are you doing here, kenzie?" he breaks the silence, all of us taking a seat on the black couch. i wasn't meant to stay in there conversation but johns hold on my hand indicates that he didn't want me to go anywhere.

"haven't seen you around?" first thing she says to him. she unfolded her arms and laid them on the arm rest of the sofa.

john nods. "yes."
"well why?"
"because i didn't want to see you, now why are you here?"

"who told you not to talk to me anymore, was it her?" she asks.

he lets out a spaced out deep chuckle. "it wasn't her-"

"then who? tell me j." fucks no, she ain't even bouta call ma mans that.
"j?" i echo in interruption, slightly disgusted.

"nobody made me do anything." he argued. "it was my choice to break up with you and not see you anymore."

"why are you here again?" her attention turns to me. furrowing my eyebrows at her.

"it's my house."
"this is a personal conversation."
"taking place in my house,"
"you can give us some privacy."
"well you can sure as hell talk it out some where i don't live." i retaliate.

"are you always this bitchy?" i almost laugh, at her comment. ironic. "just because you're wearing his shirt doesn't mean you're special."

"don't talk to her like that." john interjects. the stern expression on his face.. kenzie's eyes narrow.

"like what i was just stating facts-"

"and i don't like the way you said them. tell me why you're here, other wise this bullshit is wasting my time."

may be the wrong time to think this but, johns very hot when he's angry. full of rage and sweaty.

"i am don't worry, i'm only waiting time because she's still here." she rolls her eyes at me. "can she go? i'm uncomfortable."

"i've been uncomfortable since you stepped foot in that door." i unhappily mutter. i lean back on the cushioned couch, john placing his hand on my knee. squeezing it for both comfort and reassurance.

"might as well get used to it, you'll see a lot more of me after this." she snaps.
"doubt it." i grimaced.
"i wouldn't be doubting for long if i were you?"

if it were any other situation i would've beat her ass by now, but that's what she wants for me to get up and leave. so i won't give it to her. shits petty and unnecessary.

"what's this about kenzie?" he asks. trying to avoid the fight that was developing between her and i. he looks fed up and the edge in his voice is stronger than ever.

"i want to tell you alone."
"whatever you have to say you can say it in front of y/n."
"i may not like the girl orlando, but i have a little more respect than that. i'm not that cruel." she scoffs.

"what the hell are you talking about?"
"she's your girlfriend right?" he protectively grasps my hand.
"and you don't want to do anything to jeopardize your relationship, right?" he nods and i stay silent.

"then it's best she leaves."
"just say it." i blurt out, not being able to handle the anticipation any longer. i'm actually surprised that she's hesitant about saying something that may offend me.

"not until you-"

"i'll go." i sigh, is rather her out of my house more than anything right now. john frowns and pulls me back toward him as i stand up.

"no stay."
"please." he begs.

"i have nothing to hide y/n. what she's about to say, you have the right to know too."
"but-" i start.
"stay." his jaw clenches and i know he's serious. "kenzie say it."

"but-" kenzie starts.
"what's on earth is so bad that you can't just say i-"

johns rambling is put to a pause. kenzie takes a deep breath and opens her mouth to interject.

my entire world stops spinning.

"i'm pregnant."

part 2? just let me know. my minds fucked up. deep huh.

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