i want both. 2

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johnny flinched, letting all of my rage loose, my hand raises and claps against the gentle skin of his bright red right cheek. the slap was hard, all my anger in that one hit to him. he backed away from me, wincing against the wall. his hand making a movement to soothe the pain of his cheek.

once i see mackenzie ruffle around in the sheets, i see red. i storm away from the door way and rip the comforter off of her naked body.

"you have two minutes to get your shit and disappear." she makes no move, her tan body lying frail on my bed. "or i'll beat your ass, i mean it's your choice."

again she makes no move to comply with me after she'd just took part in fucking my
boyfriend, having any nerve to know if i wanna join. fuck outta here.

i swear i begin to visualize two of everything. next thing i know my hands are clamped down against her hair, she pinned me
onto the wooden floor. a nonfuckable situation. her fist connecting to my jaw, i full on pull a strand of her hair. i stand finding myself kicking my feet against her rib cage. most violent action i'd ever found myself in.

"kenzie just leave!" johnny rudely interrupts after watching us fight for damn near twenty minutes. he finds himself in a frantic mood, directing his attention towards her as the punches being thrown come to a stop.

"get the fuck out of my house, fucking slut." she gathers her things, her naked body wobbling side to side as she makes her way out of the bedroom.

"you might as well be right behind her." i seethe blowing steam through my lips. my words spitting pure venom out into the shameful boy in front of me. the large red hand mark of me slapping him still stayed and looked like it still stung from when i'd first hurt him.

"what... what did i do?" he defends, well tries to anyway. acting as if he was in denial when he clearly knew everything that was wrong about what he'd just done.

"i'm sorry did you just say what did you do?" i almost laugh at the words being repeated, nothing funny about this situation.

"you did every fucking thing wrong. sneaking around for god only knows how long and then covering it up when i finally caught you by saying you were, waiting for me to have a damn threesome. that's fucked up, all the way fucked up."

i pace, the sight of him just making me want to fall apart. as much as he'd known he'd hurt me i couldn't actually let him see that he'd hurt me, tears would be saved for my moments that i was the weakest. when he wasn't around.

"i needed you, and you weren't fucking here." he complains almost, turning the tables.

"don't change the fact that you can't keep your dick in your pants and turn it back around on me. i didn't know about any of this. if you need me, you come to me and tell me. not get a quick dick fix and then sleep next to me at night." i came to the realization that i couldn't hear his sorry excuses any longer.

i dipped my forehead in my hands, out of frustration. an arm is quickly grasped against my waist and i'm fast to push it away.

"i-i hate you," i say above a whisper, and he has a look of despair. wanting to not hear the words i'd just said to him.

"you don't mean that baby." he states, a hopeful grin plasters on his face.

"i fucking hate you!" i yell, the loudest i'd screamed. my voice was almost shrilling to ears of others. the one thing i'd regret saying to someone that i fucking loved more than life itself. i glance at his hand that almost finds its way to my wrist. "get away from me."

"i swear to god, get the hell away from me. i can't stand to even look at you right now." his cheating ways brought pure disgust throughout my body. my mom was cheated on by my dad, and johnny knew that. yet the one person that promised they wouldn't, and the one person that knew my past still did it to me. trust no one.

he builds up enough shameful courage to walk out, i slam the door shut behind him. i make no move to even collapse on the bed, the mix of lube and stained cum on my comforter. i fall to the floor, hearing what sounded like was his back slam against the wooden door.

"please don't hate me." he spoke up, breaking the silence that staled the air.

i heard the knob twist, i'm assuming that he's now stood and he's trying to find a way in.

"y/n, baby." no response causing him to bang on the door harder, making me jump in the middle of my sobbing.

"open this fucking door!" he shouted, his voice deep and husky. "now y/n!"
"i'm not leaving!"

"theres no need in you being here johnny!" my voice cracked at my own mention of his name. the word threesome playing back in my mind.

"fuck i couldn't choose i wanted you both. i know that i can't have both and i only want you. only you, i'm infatuated with you." he punched the door, wood chips landing on the floor. henges ripping off of the door frame.
"i'm falling in fucking love with you and i don't know how to stop!" he cries. "i can't say i'm sorry enough."

"just save your sorry's. i'm done and we're done."

jahseh dwayne onfroy i fucking miss u.

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