☁︎ i need you, to come back to me.

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3rd person

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3rd person.

locking himself away in his bedroom, the only light source coming from his phone, and the bluetooth speaker playing sad music on the loudest volume possible. tears fall fast down johnny's rose red cheeks. he chokes on sob. his hand held his phone that was opened to a photo album labeled 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔☁︎ — this album was dedicated to his late girlfriend, consisting of many photos of her, also her and johnny. y/n, who tragically died six months ago from an accidental overdose. he knew of her anguishing struggle with both drugs and alcohol combined. but due to his career and his way of life he couldn't be there with her through all of it. he blames himself every for his innocent loved ones death.

"but you promised me, you promised you'd never leave me." johnny whispers to the photos, yet no one in particular. as if she actually still existed in his world. part of him still couldn't believe she wasn't here anymore.

a small grin appears on his face but it was quickly replaced by built up anger. no, he wasn't angry at her. he was raging with anger because of himself for never noticing the signs of her relapsing after a year of sobriety. "could've helped you, i should've been right there with you."

johnny was in toronto for his hometown show, when he had gotten the dreaded call. no one is ever prepared to be told that their significant has been rushed to the hospital. oh course, he dropped everything.. but by the time he'd gotten back home, it was too late. to make matters worse, y/n had not only left johnny behind, but she's also left behind their three year old daughter, delilah.

he's shaken out of his overwhelming thoughts by a simple tap to his shoulder. johnny jumped in surprise to be greeted by his best friend, hayden.

johnny held delilah's diaper bag, nodding to hayden out of appreciation. his group of friends had brought his little girl to the aquarium. all of them knowing how hard this specific day was for him. the last thing he need was for his daughter to see him in such a vulnerable state.

now that it was just the two of them, johnny was forced to take on the mother and father role. although he's extremely grateful for his friends and how much they've been helping him. powering off the bluetooth speaker, hayden then plopped down at the edge of johnny's bed.

"how are you doing, bro?" he questioned.

johnny ran his fingers through delilah's curly blonde hair, seeming to be an exact image of johnny. he always thought about what y/n would say. "my two babies look just alike." he'd do anything to hear that sweet voice again.

a sigh falls from johnny's lips "i'm doing as good i can, i miss her. she promised she wouldn't leave me."

hayden nods, trying to understand how his friend was feeling. johnny wasn't the only one to lose someone, hayden had lost his brother months prior.

glaring up at her father, delilah mumbles "m-mwommy?" and as that single word left his daughters mouths he bursted into a fit of sobs. this was out of the ordinary for for him because he's usually one to stay strong in front of the faces of his loved ones. he just couldn't hold it in anymore. he was fed up.

the weary child frowns up in confusion. her chubby hands make their way to johnny's face to wipe away his tears. "pwease no cry, dwaddy," she whispers. trying her best to wrap her small arms around her father.

hayden coos at the sight in front of him. feeling his best friends pain.

"daddy's okay baby," johnny reassures her by pressing a kiss against her crinkled forehead.

truth is, he wasn't okay. but he'd rather not risk letting his daughter see him in such a way. he had to be strong for the both of them. it's what y/n would've wanted.

a bright ray of sunshine shone through the window, johnny can't help but smile from ear to ear.

"i love you endlessly, y/n. you will forever remain the love of my life. be careful my precious angel."

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