movie night.

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"are you alright, baby?" i asked his balled up body. comforter spread about and he gripped onto the bed, like it would leave if he let go. i laid the back of my hand against his forehead, it grew hot, reeling me that he has a nasty fever.

"no i feel fucking dizzy and like i'm about to puke but i know i don't have to. my throat is aching. i feel like literal shit." his soft voice muffled by the pillows, burying his face in them.

"i'll go get you some medicine." i simply said, his weak arm, darting out to stop my movements of leaving the bedroom.

"no babe, don't leave me." he whimpered, feeling his warm hand grasp my back. my heart broke for him, he'd never felt this bad before. therefore, not needed me this much.

"well let me go get you a cold towel, yeah?" i hovered over him in my standing position.

"yeah, but let's watch a movie and pig out too. my stomach is so fucking empty."  not eating all day, due to the fact that his stomach was already turning.

"be right back baby. i love you." saying i love you, this could be the last time i ever get to tell him. the next day, minute, or second isn't promised to anyone. i'd want to have him for as long as i can.

"i love you more angel." he mumbled into pillow, he couldn't help but not feel bad. for, it wasn't his fault all of the days on tour took a bad toll on him.

"impossible." i whispered, moving past the door. i made my way to the downstairs bathroom since it was closer to the kitchen, where the food and such was.

opening the bathroom door, with one flick i turned the light on. i bent down to grab a towel out of the sink. turning the sink water on, i but the coldest water on it to run his fever down back to normal.

carrying the damp towel in my hands, my feet against the wooden floor echoed as i found myself raiding the pantry. pop corn already popping in the microwave. finding something for our sweet tooth, were the chocolate chunk cookie container that sat on the marble counter.

pulling my phone out of my sweat pants pocket i go to the local pizza website and order some from pizza hut. getting his favorite toppings and every things that i knew he wanted right now.

i made my way back upstairs, arms full with a large bowl of popcorn, the cool towel, and cookies.

"i'm back baby." i closed the bedroom door behind me, his head popping up from the pillow.

"thank fuck." i giggled, swaying my way over to him. he grabbed the bowl of popcorn out of my hands, laying flat on his back. before i got under the blankets, i placed the cool rag on his forehead. his lips curving into a smile.

"your eyes are the best." i blurt as i look into his eyes. i placed the container of chunked cookies on the bed side table, as i lie in bed next to him. "feel better?" i ask.

"a lot babygirl." he grabs the remote, clicking on the netflix icon. while waiting for it to load, i lean over slightly to turn the lamp off.

supposed to be movie night, but we ended up watching stranger things. i fed him popcorn, avoiding the hard seeds that i didn't want him to choke on. while in my other hand i had a half eaten cookie, that i so gladly ate. he placed the bowl to the side, i hurry and shoved the cookie in my mouth, damn near choking on the bitch.

the demagorgon fed on the tv screen.
"cuddle me!" he whined. i'll admit i was acting a bit stand-offish because he was sick and i didn't want the same damn thing he had. i ended up cuddling him anyway, that's my baby and i want to keep him happy for as long as i possibly can.

i snuggled down into his bicep, nuzzling my face into it. my arms wrapped around his torso.

"i swear you're so fucking cute." i connected my mouth against the skin of his bicep. kissing it lightly.

in one swift movement, he completely pulled the comforter over our heads. he kissed me softly on my forehead.

"how cute am i? he mumbled against my skin. placing warm kisses all around my face until answered. i kind of didn't want to answer,i enjoyed this type of attention from him.

"you're so precious baby. the most precious." the last kiss was placed softly against the very top of my nose before he found my lips. moving perfectly in sync with mine. so passionate and much awaited. he ran his tongue slowly over my bottom lip. i played with the tussles of hair on the back of his neck. my other hand gliding up and down on the flesh of his bare back.

pure elation and satisfaction.

his tongue dancing with mine, his winning like it does every time. the make out session interrupted by the loud ding of the door bell.

"must be the pizza."

i made a move to go get it, but he protectively stopped me by grabbing the small of my back. he bit my bottom lip, taking it in between his teeth.

"god you're gorgeous." he murmured against my lips. his soft as a pillow, making me want to bury mine amongst them. i blushed bright red at his words.

"i'll go get the door." he pat my back gently, giving me one last taste of his lips. he got up, slapping my ass before he did.

"you better be naked by the time i get back." his husky voice whispered into my ear, before leaving out of the bedroom door.

yo how y'all been. love u.

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