Chapter Twenty One

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Bethany's POV

" Hey Beth , Im back ! " Madison yelled , before shutting the door . I looked up from my phone and smiled . " Did you see her ? Was she upset ? " I asked , curiously . Ever since I got here , Paiton has forgotten about me and has been catching up with Carter . So , I decided to room with Madison .

" Of course I saw her . She was walking with her lover boy . Sammy and I caught her attention , her face turned pale " Madison smirked , sitting down on the bed beside me . I nodded my head .

Alright , here's the deal with me and Madison . She thought I came to her to have revenge on Paiton . Of course I wasn't , she's still my bestfriend , I thought she just needed time away from me to bond with the boys .

But I played along and have found out that Madison wants to ruin ... and I mean ruin Paiton . Break her down emotionally and then physically . I know she won't succeed though , Paiton is one of the strongest girls that I know .

" I'm planning on taking Carter away from her tomorrow " Madison began , as she brushed her hair . No , she couldn't do that . Paiton likes him too much to let him go that easily , let alone loose him to Madison .

Matts POV

I heard Paiton wince and looked up at her . She held one hand in the other , rubbing it . I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over at Carter , who was staring angrily at the back of Shawn's head .

" Did you see what Carter just did to her ? " Cam whispered , with wide eyes . I shook my head . " He's worrying about Shawn hitting on her . He squeezed her hand really hard and didn't even realize it . It obviously hurt because she like , whimpered " He whispered .

Instantly , I got worried . When Carter thought someone else was hitting on his girlfriend , or in this case almost-girlfriend , he'd turn into a monster to that person . The last time it happened , he beat the shit out of somebody .

I walked over to Carter and gripped his wrist . " Come on man , it isn't worth it " I said . He grunted and clenched his fist . I tugged him out of the room and shut the door . " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING ?! " I whisper yelled .

Paiton's POV

I stared at Carter , full of confusion . My hand hurt when I applied pressure to it , but it seemed like he didn't even know he hurt me . His whole focus was on Shawn - watching every single move he made .

Matt walked over to Carter and grabbed his wrist . " Come on man , it isn't worth it " He said . I heard Carter grunt and saw his fists clench . Matt dragged him out of the room and shut the door .

What the heck was wrong ? I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around . Nash was staring at me intently . " We should talk " He said . I nodded and followed him into the parking lot .

We walked quietly to the front of the studio and slid down against the wall . I looked down at my feet . " Any idea why he was so angry at Shawn ? " I asked , breaking the silence . Nash ran a hand through his and nodded . " Carter is obviously the jealous type of boyfriend , so he's extra clingy . When he saw you talking to Shawn and hugging him , he probably felt like you two were flirting and like he was loosing you " He explained .

I rolled my eyes . " Ok , but he needs to learn to trust me . I don't like Shawn like that . I love Carter , that's it " I spoke , leaning my head back against the wall . Nash sighed . " I know . He just likes you a lot and doesn't want to loose you " He put in .

I almost smiled but I felt my hand pounding . It hurt so bad , I swear I felt something crack when Carter squeezed it . There's obvious evidence of a bruise on my hand but there's some on my fingers too .

Nash reached over , as if reading my mind , and grabbed my bad hand . I clenched my jaw and let him examine it . He looked over at me . " Squeeze my hand as hard as you can " He told me . I nodded slowly and squeezed .

I obviously didn't do it hard , because he looked worried . Pain struck my hand once again and I stopped , pulled my hand back and wrapping it in my other . My eyes began to water . Nash helped me up and wiped my tears . " We better get to the hospital . I'll text the guys " He said .


Hey guys (:

This chapter isn't as good as I wanted it to be , but Beth's back ! I know you were all wondering where she was . Now she's back !

Don't forget to read all of my updates and vote for my chapters ! 💓

~ k

Twitter - @iDateCarter

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