Chapter 2- murder with no mercy-

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[Ticci Toby's Pov]
As I was waiting outside of the classroom waiting for the teacher to give me the signal before coming in. After a few minutes of waiting, the teacher finally gives me the signal.
As I walk in the room, the first thing that caught my eyes was the girl I met this morning...she looks confused somehow.
"Uh wh-hello everyone *tic* I-I'm *tic* Alex  R-roger and I-I hope we're g-gonna be good *tic* friends" I said as I force a smile. A few moments I heard people in the class gossiping, looks obvious that they're talking about my stuttering and ticking...argh I wish I didn't have it.
"Shush class" said the teacher, the classroom suddenly became quiet, damn a teacher has that much power? I try my best not to laugh at what I just said in my mind.
"Alex, go sit next to the sit next to [y/n] [l/n]" as he said it he pointed his finger at the seat next to the girl of this morning. So her name is [y/n] eh? This is gonna be fun.

[your ~POV]
"Alex, go sit next to the seat next to [y/n] [l/n]" well great...I was never good at I have to sit next to this dude what was his name? Alex I think...what a common name, not gonna judge. I take my time to look at him as he make his way to the seat next to me. I shot him the death stare. 

[Ticci Toby's Pov]
I make my way to the seat next to [y/n] , i notice she gave me the death stare. Pff, trying to scare me? How cute, but you'll see I'm gonna be the one scaring you.

~time skip~
[your POV]
As the last bell rings, I make my way to the lockers. I felt eyes gaze on me, it brings shivers down my spins.
"Woah, did you hear the new student in our class?" Said a girl to her friend
"Yea, he's so weird and his talking ew" her friend reply. I didn't know this guy so much but I felt like it was my place to at least say something. If I don't like saying bad things behind my back then I think others won't want to have things saying behind their backs.
"You guys disgust me..." I murmured loud enough for them to hear.
" What did you say?" One of the girl answered.
"Oh but isn't it the freak that had to sit next to the other talking freak" the other one said.
"Look,I'm not here for fights, I'm just saying that I think you guys should learn your manners."
"Speak for yourself, you should learn your manners too."  She said. I got pissed, I slammed hard my locker and pushed over one of the girls. She takes a few steps back and fall on her butt.
"HAHA FREAK" she screams. Damn she's annoying i just want to slit her throat open, take out her flesh and feed it to the lions. That's how annoying she is. My hand starts forming into a fist. I got so pissed out I punch the girl on her face repeatedly again and again, harder and harder. She started coughing blood. As I continue punching her she pleads for freedom, seeing her please for freedom makes me want to see her suffer more and more. I want her DEAD. I continue and continue. Her friend stood there, her eyes wide open, the look on her face was PRICELESS. If she can't try and help her friend then at least run and tell a teacher but SHE! HA, she just stood there not knowing what to do. As I continue hurting the other girl she suddenly stopped pleasing, she laid there unconscious...dead it seems, blood scrolled down from her mouth, her eyes wide open, not moving, she's dead, she's definitely dead. I smile at my artwork and turn to the other girl and give her a wide smile. She then finally decided to scream and run for her life. But she was much slower than me, I chase her after, as I was following her I pick up a long and pointy stick. I catch up to her easily, I pinned her down and stab the stick down her back to her chest. She grieves for freedom pleading for me to let go.
"PLEASE SPARE ME! I'M SORRY" she cries, it just made me laugh.
"Nah I don't need your pitiful sorry, NOW GOOD NIGHT!" Right after that I shove the stick down her throat. She fought for a moment not long before she stops moving and laid unconscious just like her friend did. Pff, they were so easy. After a while, I dispose of both bodies without being noticed by anyone, I mean that's what I think. Suddenly I heard hand claps from behind me...Someone is clapping? Great, I'm going to end up in jail....
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
For now BAiii!
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