Chapter 8- broken past-

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A few days have past, Slender finally gave me the rights to go outside the forest as long as Toby comes with me for the first few weeks. I don't mind me and him have been really good friends. We decide to go to the mall to shop for new cloths for me. We walk out and talk and talk.

~time skip sowwy lazy~
We arrived at the mall, they had amazing cloths but then...something caught my attention...FOODDDDDDDDDDD there was a whole food cor here where they sell all kinda of food, literally everything I loved! We went to a [insert fav food] shop and Toby bought me a [fav food]. We walk out of the food cor with the our favorite food in our hands. I take a good bite at mine, all the delicious flavor spread along my mouth. I felt my eyes sparkle (somehow XD) it was SOOOO GOOD!!! I felt like dancing around but I was way too shy because we were in public. Toby laughed at my reaction to the food, we then continue walking until something else caught my was something negative...Toby looked at me with a worried look on his face.

~Toby's pov~
After buying [y/n] fav food we walk out of the cor. I got myself some waffles as usual, as we walk I watch as [y/n] takes a bite at her food. Her expression changed immediately I knew she loved it and that made her look so adorable. I had my goggles and mouth guard off today hopefully people won't think I'm weird because of my cut on my face. As we walk more [y/n] stopped. Her expression changed to happy to serious, sorrow, sad... it made me worry...I turn to the direction she was looking at. I quickly understood what was going on... her-her...

~your pov~
my ex...he was standing there with another girl smiling...she was beautiful, her body perfectly shaped...she was all of the above and I...I don't know...people say I'm pretty but I don't feel like it. I was too caught up at my ex I forgot about Toby. My ex...

~flash back~
"[y/n] I love you so much..I don't know what I'll do without you."
"Same [ex's name (if you don't have one just invent)] I love you a lot..."
"I would never replace you. You're the most beautiful person I had ever seen."
"Thank You so much! But you know one day you'll get rid of me..."
"I won't I promise..." we talked and talked he made me the happiest person in the world. I gave up on my friends and stopped talking to them, they got annoyed and hated me but I didn't care at all at that point I thought I had [ex name] by my side and that he would care for me forever...but I was so naive to think of that... during summer he acted weirdly...he stopped talking like he use to and he wouldn't hang out with me often anymore. At the second month of summer things got worst, he started ignoring my text, one day I found him online at 3am playing an online game...with someone else...a girl...but I trusted him so I washed the thought away. When back to school came, he completely avoided me, he tried to ignore me, avoid me as much as possible. One night he told me we wanted to break up so we did. He didn't tell me the reason until...I found out he was dating my friend. She told me the truth the last week end the same day he told me he wanted to break up, she confessed to him and he asked if they wanted to hang out. That broke me into pieces, I went insane, I was mad. A few weeks after I found out he wasn't as innocent as I thought he liked for the "look". I tried everything to keep him I gave up everything...and now he gives up on me for another girl for the looks?!? I was so pissed but sad, I suffered so much, I wish I never saw that jerk again! I was broken...I wanted to sleep and never wake up...I hated myself...I hated almost everything...
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
For now BAiii!
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