Chapter 15- found out-

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I was walking through a city where suddenly i saw two of my old classmates waving at me.
"Hey it's [y/n]!"
"Omg! [y/n]! Where have you been?"
"You guys actually know me?" I kind of mock.
"You're everywhere on the news"
"Yea same as the new kid"
"Argh he's so weird" Okay I see where this is going.
"Look girls I have to go." I turn around and walk away
"Sure okay, we'll tell the school you're not dead" after that they continued their conversations, I couldn't help it but overhear.
"His ticking is so weird!"
"Such a weirdo"
"How did he even got to our school? He should be in a mental help school" I got mad, real mad. I turn around and looked straight into both of their eyes. They look at me all weirded out. Their expression suddenly turn shocked, their throat got slit open within a sec. Both of them at the same time. They fell flat onto the floor...what the heck? I look through a class pupils were red...they turned from [eyes color] to red. That's so cool! Wait I just slit their throat open by just looking at them??? Even more awsome!!!

I woke up in a thud...just a dream? Awww man...I was hoping to have that. I decided to go out for a walk, it was 14:56 pm, the weather was good. I walk out and stopped in front of a tree. I look straight into it, suddenly the tree got sliced in mid air. What The- my dream was telling the truth???? I took a closer look at the sliced place. It was pretty deep...WOAH. I rushed back to the mansion, excited to tell Slender all about what happened from the dream to the tree thing. I reach for the office and knock on the door.
"Come in child"
"Really that's great" I explained to him every single details that happened.

"I see... well I think it's better if you continue training before starting the fight with Clockwork. She isn't an easy one."
"Sure thing Slender" I then walk out of the office and into the room. To find Clockwork in Toby's arm.
"What do you want [y/n]" he said with a tough voice without hesitations, I got pissed I look right into clockwork's eyes and scratch her eyes. She quickly got out of bed, pushing her hand against her eye so the blood won't spill out as she screams in agony and pain.
"[y/n] GET OUT!" Toby screamed as he went over to Clockwork and hugged her. I smiled at them and got out of the room.
"This shit is getting useful" i mumble to myself as a smirk starts to form on my face but now great I have no room to stay in. I walk to Ben's room and knock twice.
"Who dares trespass my territory!?!"
"It is I, [y/n], queen of uhh...idk"
"You shall come in queen of uhh idk" i then walk into the room to see Ben playing video games with Jeff.
"What's up [y/n]" Ben asked.
"Well ya know the thing with Toby, well I have no more room to stay in so I was-"
"You want to stay in my room eh?"
"Yea..." Ben gave me a devilish and perverted smile, Jeff knew exactly what's going on
"[y/n] I think it's better if you stay with me"
"Oh uhhhh why not Ben?"
"YEA WHY NOT ME?!?" Jeff walked closer to me and whisper into my ear.
"He will rape you"
"What just trying to save a friend from a rape monster"
"I'm not a rape monster! Humph"
"Yea yea, come [y/n] I'll show you my room and a few rules" i need to follow rules to stay in a person's room temporally, well I guess it kind of makes sense now that I think about it. Maybe he just has important stuff he doesn't want other people to touch. I get that sometimes.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
For now BAiii!
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