Chapter 30 - The kiss we never had (Ending) -

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[A/N] Well well well, welcome back! honestly I couldn't be more grateful to know that you read my story till here so Thank you! When I first started writing blood flows, I was expecting at average 40 chapters but I guess it's less than expecting because of my lack of ideas and concentration.

That's all! Enjoy!


[Toby's pov]
Everyone in our team are doing well, fighting for our dear friend.

How did she even get here? It's not like she knows Zalgo, no one mentioned anything about him to her. Or i think no one did . . .

Honestly, Zalgo's minions sucks.

They're pretty dumb.

Let me explain, at first when we arrived we saw them running toward us from the distance with all those weapons and they were crowded.

When we charged at them, we killed them in one hit. Now i'm not saying they can't cause any damages. They do, they were just easier than i expected.

Zalgo is titled The Ruler of the underworld.

How come he has such a weak army?

Once the path was clear to me, i turned to look at the creepy pastas to see if they need help.

The enemies seems to get stronger and better.

E.J gave me a nod telling me it'll be fine and I should to go find [a/n] and so I ran as fast as I could into Zalgo's castle.

I entered through the big doors. Everything was quiet . . . too quiet.

It was dark, but enough light to see.

I walked through doors and doors, not finding the end to it all.

I was loosing hope, but didn't want to stop.

She was the first person whom i don't want to loose.

I open another pair of doors to which I thought wasn't the last.

I wasn't expecting what was in front of me.

Just a throne, sitting there empty.

Suddenly, everything turned dark. The dark where it hurts your eyes because they're open but nothing shall be seen

Two red orbs shined through that darkness, attracting my attention to it.

It's fascinating but I know deep down, it show evil.

"Well said Toby . . ." The voice was too familiar to call it good.

"W-where is *tic* she?"

"I don't know what your talking about . . ."


"jumping straight to the point i see . . ."

Everything that was once black, turned to white.

I squinted my eyes because of the fast change little did i know, soon after I got hit in the stomach.

I didn't feel it, i just fell down from a force so i guessed it was Zalgo.

"Numb freak . . ." He mumbled but enough for me to hear.

"Horny freak . . ." I shot back, starring into his red eyes which reads anger and disgust. 

A sword teleport in his hand and I knew how intense this was going to get.

I grabbed both of my hatchets and jumped away early enough before he could swing the sword at me.

Blood Flows//TicciTobyXReader\\ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now