Chapter 6- waffles?-

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~time skip~
After a while, Toby and I decided to go take a walk in the forest. I was kind of confused on what to do... what would my parents think? Would they miss me? Would they try and find me? What about school??? Many questions were on my mind, we wonder around the woods.

It was beautiful, the leafs were bright green and the sun was shinning bright through the leafs. I'm getting a bit more comfortable with Toby then something went through my mind...what about [f/n]?!? I flush away the question, she wasn't that important to me right? I let out a sigh, Toby noticed it and gave me a worried look.
"H-hey *tic* a-are you o-okay?"
"Yeah...just thinking..."
"D-don't worry..*tic* l-leave the p-past... you'll see *tic* the people in the m-mansion a-are actually very *tic* nice!"
"Thanks Toby...but so many questions are going through my mind..."
"Forget t-them, it'll m-make *tic* everything better"
"I guess..." we walk for a while before we decide to head back to the mansion. I could had just run away and try to find my way back home but something tells me to stay. Toby could be nice once you get to know him... as we reach closer to the mansion I see Toby sniffing the air, his eyes went wide open. I gave him the "are you okay?" face, suddenly he started sprinting to the mansion like crazy. I tried my best catching up to him but he was way to fast. What the heck?!? I thought. One we reach the mansion Toby slams the door

"WAFFLESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!" He then rushes to the kitchen and suddenly we hear dishes and forks fall to the ground...damn.
"TOBY NOT AGAIN!!!" I heard a familiar voice I turn to see Jeff rushing to the kitchen and follow him. There was Toby eating a whole plate of waffles peacefully. It made me kind of laugh, then Masky and Hoodie rushes in.
"Toby you have to control yourself with waffles." Masky said
"Slender ain't gonna be happy..." said Hoodie, Toby continued stuffing the waffles in his mouth with a big wide smile, he seemed so cute and could anyone guess he was actually a murder? After a while, Jefff and I helped Toby clean up the kitchen, me and Toby then head to his room.
"What was that about?"
"I-I just h-have *tic* this th-thing for waffles..." he giggles at the end of his sentence and made him look even cuter. I can't fall for him right? Killers don't "love" and I don't even think love just reminds me of my ex...argh.
"H-hey...hello? *tic* earth to [y/n]!"
"O-oh sorry...spaced out..."
"Hehe, i-it's okay *tic* h-happens sometimes. W-what were you t-thinking *tic* of?"
"I-if *tic* you say so" the last hours went by fast, I didn't even notice. I was playin video games with Ben in his room, Toby was just sitting beside me, I was so close in beating Ben in Mario cart...I was right behind him! Pissed me off a bit, he and Toby just laughed at it.
"A-alright alright *tic* l-let's go to bed" Ben winked at us before shutting the door. We reach Toby's room, or should I say our room? I head to the bathroom to change with the [f/c] pjs that Slender gave me. When I came out of the bathroom Toby was already changed, his mouth guard and googles were off, I notice a deep cut next to his mouth...a really deep one. He signals me to hope into bed next to him so I did. He puts a blanket over us and I fell right asleep the last thing I heard was "goodnight".
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
For now BAiii!
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