Chapter 9- your fault, now good night-

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~Toby's pov~
She just stood there still, I wonder what was so wrong with the couple. She stared deeply into the guy, I guess is the dude who's causing the trouble. Are they related? Or is it just an old friend? No maybe not, she doesn't look too good for a old friend.
"W-what's wrong *tic* [y/n]?"
"N-nothing..." her voice sounded blanked, broken, destroyed.
"Let's go Toby" she grabs my arm as we walk away until a voice said
"Oh well isn't it my EX [y/n]" he pronounced the word "ex" pretty loud, [y/n] seem pretty disturbed by that. Now I get it...
"What do you want [ex name]" she said not even turning his back to him. I turn back to see, yep it's the dude and his new girl I guess standing right next to him hugging his arm tight into her chest with a smirk on her face.
"We just wanted to say "hi" [y/n]" the girl said with an exaggerated voice.
"I don't care, leave me alone"
"Looks like someone is jealous"
"I said leave me alone"
"To bad you weren't good enough, you really thought I loved you? You pathetic girl" [y/n]'s hand formed into a fist, he passed the limits and I saw something bloody coming. [y/n] stared at me, I gave a wink and she smiled. Things are going to get messy.

[your pov]
I looked at Toby, he gave me a wink and I knew exactly what to do. I didn't care if it's going to be bad or it's going to turn me into a sort of "poxy" from some creepy noodles I think? No too cliche think it was creepypasta but yea. I gave him a smile.
"Why don't we talk outside..." I said turning to m ex . He gave a smirk HA like if he knew what's going to happen.
"Alright" He said, we walk outside into a dark hallway in to the mall where no one go through. I started laughing maniacally, I turn to face my ex and his girl looking at me with a "wtf" face.
"You have brought yourself into a mess, now you'll have to clean it"
"Who do you think you are, I'm not tak-"the poor girl couldn't even finish her sentence I slit her throat open with the knife i kept in my converse. My ex stood there shocked, he didn't know what to do, he's even more pathetic. I ran to him smashed the knife into his chest multiple time, he cried and screamed for help, people outside the hallways started screaming too. I continued stabbing him until Toby came and pulled me off of my ex.
"[y/n] h-he's already *tic* d-dead you Donny need to anymore let's go." We ran out of the hallways, the sirens started, we started to run even faster. He reach out and into the woods where ran and laughing. Today was really fun, my ex deserved what he deserved a long time ago. We reach the mansion still laughing our butts off, Jeff and Ben looked at us with a "What the hell happened" face. I laughed at it and went into the room to pick new cloths and wash off the blood.
"I'm gonna go wash up the blood" I said walking my way to the bathroom holding my qqnew clean clothes.
"A-Alright *tic*"
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
For now BAiii!
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