Chapter 5- Meeting my new family-

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As we walk into the dark long hallways, I heard loud footsteps coming from behind. Suddenly I feel someone pull my hair harshly and yanks me down to the ground as I scream.
"J-JEFF! S-STOP *tic*"
"What now Toby! What is this girl doing here!?!?"
"J-jeff, this is *tic* [y/n], s-she's maybe g-going *tic* to become the next p-proxy!"
"Oh...well she's lucky I didn't kill her yet" after that he stares back at me. I was still shaking from what happened what worst was this dude, Jeff? He has a wide smile, not just any, it was a cut smile. His skin was pale and eyes widen with no eyelids. This was shocking, how did he even survive with that cut??? And the pale skin...he must've got burned! He stares at me for while before talking.
"So uh...[y/n] sorry about earlier, I'm Jeff as you know"
"I-it's ok..." I shuttered a bit...
"Yeah yeah, whatever. I got things to do, see you later Toby and you too [y/n] I guess" he wave me goodbye, same as me and Toby and off he went. We continue our way to Toby's room without saying a word to each other. He twitches from times to times. Suddenly we stopped in front of a regular door, he opens it as the door makes a creaking sound. Inside the room was a bed, a big wardrobe and a bathroom included.
"T-this is *tic* my r-room"  to be honest I was expecting a messy room like boys would have I guess but Toby's room was clean...
"S-so that y-you know *tic* my room, w-wanna go grab a *tic* bite?"

[Toby's pov]
I show [y/n] my room, luckily I cleaned it yesterday...wait why do I even care? Anyways, I think [y/n] must be hungry after the walk to the mansion...
"S-so that y-you know *tic* my room, w-wanna go grab a *tic* bite?"
"Sure..." she said quietly...she must have been still kinda shock because of Jeff... We walk out of the room and head downstairs to the kitchen where BEN and Hoodie were standing talking to each other. As [y/n] and I walk in, both of their eyes got attention to [y/n].

[your pov]
As we walk into the kitchen two persons were standing there. One had blonde hair tided up and he was wearing some sort of "link" outfit, his eyes were all black except for his red pupils and the other was wearing a yellow hoodie and his face was covered in all black except a sad face was drew with red ink. I hear the "alike link" whistle as both of them caught their attention to me.
"Damn Toby, who knew you brought a girl back to our she still available?"
"B-BEN!! S-stop it, she *tic* available t-to anyone. S-she's just going to *tic* be the n-next proxy." So the blonde dude is BEN?
"[y-y/n] this is *tic* BEN and the one with the *tic* y-yellow hoodie is Hoodie." Makes sense.
"Hi [y/n] welcome to the mansion!" Hoodie said teaching his hand in front to shake my hand. I pull out my hand and shake his. Awkward... he then retrieved his hand.
"C-come on *tic* [y/n], l-let's go *tic*"
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
For now BAiii!
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