Chapter 12- such freak-

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Authors word: Thank You for still being here really it means so much to me if you're still reading this.Hope this fanfic isn't too bad enjoy ~<3

"Isn't it kind of weird that we're just watching them like that?'

"Shhhh, you're going to wake them up" this is starting to make sense. I slowly open my eyes to recognize I was cuddling with Toby. SHOOT. I pushed Toby as he fell of the couch.

"Oh my god...Toby I'm so sorry!"
"W-What do you mean? You *tic* d-don't do-oh... you know I can't feel pain right?"
"Oh right..."
"Wow Jeff, you woke them ruined the moment"
"It's not my fault, you guys were creepily watching them sleep"
"It's not like you were too" I look up to see Jeff, Ben and Masky standing there... awkward... they stared back at me.

"I go to go..." as I said so I dashed into my room and slammed the door, I could feel my face turn bright red. Argh great...I shouldn't have done that... suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

"H-hey [y/n] can I *tic* c-come in?"
"Sure Toby..." I open the door for him to come in, we walks his way to the bed and splotch down onto it. How am i going to explain what happened...what if he thinks I'm weird?

"Hey Toby...sorry about earlier...ya know for...cuddling you..." I said shyly
"N-no it's no big deal" silent has arrived, what's with all the awkward silence? Sigh...I wonder how are my parents doing...are they missing me?Are they looking for me? Always the same old's getting really boring in the mansion...

"Yo Toby, I'm bored what can we do?"
"W-we could go on a *tic* killing spree?"
"Yea sure I'm down for that" a killing spree? Isn't that when you kill people for fun? I mean it does sound more fun then staying in this mansion doing nothing. We head outside of the mansion, the sky was grey and wind shifting through my [h/c] hair. The weather was nice, fresh and relaxing...we walk into town, not many people were on the streets. We stopped in front of a house that seemed familiar enough...wait... isn't this [f/n]'s house? I can't kill her/him! She/he was always there for me...technically my best only.

"Toby I can't kill [f/n], she/he's my best friend"
"Y-your lucky this is only a killing spree I-if it was a mission then you'll h-have to *tic* do it"
"Yeah..." we walk off away from [f/n], I felt like slitting people's throats out. It was satisfying to watch them scream in agony and pray for freedom even tho it ain't happening.  We walk a little longer to see a couple around 19 walking and holding each other's hand, smiling and laughing. Damn...they must be having a good life. But everything changed until the guy's gaze got attention to Toby. 

"Yo bro, it isn't even Halloween. You dress up like a real freak walking around streets with a costume on."
"T-this isn't *tic* a's my usual o-outfit."
"Your shuttering sounds stupid, it's bleeding my ears out...come on let's go sweetie." Said the girl ARGH I want to rip her apart at what she just said.

"Not so fast miss I'm perfect at all, we've got a game we wanna play" I gave a devilish smile, she looked at me as if I was some kind of weirdo. Well technically I am kinda, but like they say. Stay on the bright side.

"Sounds stupid to me" as the boy said he dragged the girl along with him, I took a few step and block their passage. 

"What do you think you're doing? I wanna play"
"Leave us alone freak"
"You shouldn't have done that" I winked at Toby as he gave me a grin. I took out my knife from my [f/c] hoodie. 

"Ahh...I'm sooooOO scared" the boy said fooling around. 

As his sentence end I started laughing psychologically and quickly stabbed the boy. Pushing the knife deeper into his chest.

 The girl screamed and ran for her life but Toby reaches for his hatches and swung into her face as she fell right back. 

Her face was bleeding like hell as she layer their eyes wide open but dead inside.

 The boy was barely alive...he tried ramping away but it was pointless.

 The pain that caused from his chest was slowing his movement down. 

I threw one of my pocket knives onto his leg as it stabbed deep into his skin. He screamed in agony and made me want more to see him in PAIN. 

I stabbed his back a couple of times until he laid dead.

"Awww, he didn't last long" I said disappointed.
"D-don't'll g-get another one *tic* soon. B-but we g-gotta go back to *tic* the mansion"
"Alright..." we make our way back to the mansion leaving to two limb bodies laying on the hard ground.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
For now BAiii!
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