Chapter 7- training-

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I slightly open my eyes, I felt arms wrap around me...T-TOBY?!? I can feel my face turn light red. I try my best to get out of bed without waking Toby up but it was useless, he held me too tight. I try to move his arms away from me, it worked but I might had woken Toby up.
"Oh...good morning Toby" I gave him a smile as he smiled back to me.
"R-remember you have t-training *tic* today"
"Oh! Right, Thanks Toby!"
"No p-problem!" I rush to the bathroom to change into [f/c] hoodie and normal jeans. But then I asked myself., since when did Toby became so sweet and cute...just yesterday he was a total jerk to me, I wash away the question as I finish getting ready and rushed down stairs where Slender was waiting.
"Come on now child, training awaits" we walk out into the forest.
"Let's see how strong you are. Try hitting this tree as hard as you can" I gave him a nod telling him I understand. I took a deep breath and hit the tree as hard as I can. I felt my hand break...the tree barely had any damage!
"Seems like strength isn't your thing, we'll practice on reflex" he pointed his hand to a big box, I walk over and open, only to find all sorts of weapons. I picked two knives and a smaller one to put into my [f/c] converse. I had a belt with two handles to but my knives.
"Alright [y/n], use the weapon you chose to cause the most damages as you can to this tree." He pointed back to the tree I tried punching earlier. I position myself before racing to it and slashing it with one of my knife. It only made a scratch, I kept slashing the tree over and over again until I got tired and out of breath.
"Alright that's all for today child, you can go back to the mansion and keep the weapons." He said before teleporting somewhere else. I sighed and walk back to the mansion where everyone were doing their own things. I walk over to the kitchen and saw Toby making waffles.
"H-hey [y/n]!"
"Hi Toby..."
"W-what's *tic* wrong? You s-sound off"
"I-it's fine Toby..."
"*tic* you c-can tell me a-anything"
"Maybe later"
"Oh...o-okay *tic*" I forced a smile trying to make him less worries for me, but he notice it was forced and gave me a worried smile back. I sat by the table, Toby placed a plate in front of me with two waffles on the plate and placed another plate for him with a bunch of waffles. It made me giggle, Toby saw me and started laughing too. After eating he then takes his plate and mine into the kitchen's sink and walked back to me. Unexpectedly, he...hugged made me feel warm and so safe in his arms...I wanted it to last forever but of course good moments can't last forever. Toby lets go his arm and away from me. I turned around I gave him a big smile and then return the smile.
"Thank you Toby, I needed that..."
"N-no problem *tic*" after that we started talking about random stuff I guess.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
For now BAiii!
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