Chapter 20- me?-

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[okay WOW, last chapter I just said "hope we could get to 200 reads" LOOK AT THIS!!! WE'RE AT 200 READS IN LESS THEN A MONTH!!! You guys made me the happiest person in the world!! AHHHH, THANK YOU!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉]

[your Pov]
I slowly open my left eye, only to see Toby, one of his arms wrapped around my waist so I couldn't fall. I felt myself turn extremely red. I open both of my eyes and stood back straight. Toby let go off my waist and I gently swift the non-existing dust off my jeans with my hands. Damn awkward...

"I-I'm gonna go..." with that i quickly left but I felt a hand grab my arm as I tried to.

"P-please don't *tic* g-go..." I had the urge to cry, after all, my heart was broken.

"P-please [y/n], I-I *tic* l-love you..." my eyes widened as he spoke out those last words, I turned and gave him the biggest hug I had ever given.

"I love you too Toby" I felt him hug back and he dug his face into my neck. After a while of hugging, we finally let go off each other.

"[y/n]...w-will you be my *tic* g-girlfriend?" Oh god...he's moving so fast, I need to catch up with what's happening!
"Sure, o-of course!!"
"I'd love to be your girlfriend Toby" I gave him an assured smile as he gave back another smile, a smile that shows he's about to explode.
"What's with all the screaming???" I heard a voice from behind us. I turn to see Ben looking at us with a confused look but soon turned into a grin.

"OoOoh ~okayyy, I'll leave you love birds be"
"BENNN!!!" I screamed
"Woops can't hear ya [y/n]"  damn it ben, why d'you gotta ruin MY moment. I heard Toby chuckle, guess he kind of guessed that I was complaining in my mind. I let out a long sigh, since I'm dating Toby, and I'm not single anymore...well might as well get some food! Why not? Food makes everything 10 times better!
"Hey Toby, I'm gonna go grab a bite"
"O-Okay, see you later!"
"See ya" with that I headed to the kitchen and open the fridge to see if there was anything that could make my day better.
"Hmmm, frozen pizza...half eaten cheese soda...ehhh" I went by the kitchen counter and bless god I found it. The one and only [fav flavor chip] chips!!!! I rushed and grab the packet and tore it apart. I dug my hand and the delicious smell filled my nose. I ate a whole hand full of chip. This made my day 100 times better.

Everything seems to be escalating so quickly . . .

hope you liked this one ^^
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