Chapter 21- we go HIGH-

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[your pov]
I was making my way upstairs wondering around the mansion not knowing what to do. So it's official now, I'm dating The TicciToby, a killer. Just wow. In all my life i never expected this.

As I walk in the dark long hallways, lost in thoughts I hear Ben raging on his own game. Pfft, I should send him a mess. I knock twice on his door and slammed it open.
"WELL KEEP IT DOWN ELF BOY!!" I let out a devilish laughter as I slam the door close and continue walking in the hallways as I hear the sound of forgiveness. Screaming then silence.

I let out a giggle. Now that I think about it, what day are we?? I went to Toby's room only to walk in and find him shirtless. Fuck duck luck. Wait wuttttt?!? Damn...those abs...NO [Y/N] STOP!!

"Uhhh [y/n], are y-you *tic* going t-to just stand there or what?" OOF I have been caught. My face turned bright red, Toby noticed and let out a soft laughter. Music to my ear...
"S-Sorry Toby..."
"I-it's okay, but *tic* next t-time knock"
"I will..." still slightly blushing
"A-also I know I'm FABBB" with that he flips his brown chocolat hair. He really is fab. (Fabulous) 😂😂😂
"TOBYYYYYY" he burst out laughing and soon enough i started laughing too. After we calmed down I noticed, he still doesn't have a SHIRT!
I gave him the death glare : ———>( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉) that face, well not really a death glare but oh well.
"W-What *tic* is it?"
"TOBY PUT YO F*CKING SHIRT YOU CHILD!!!" The sudden made Toby jump as he rush his way to his wardrobe and quickly put on a all black t-shirt.
"Okie thanks" then I gave him a friendly smile, I'm gonna mess up with his mind hahahha.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

[toby's pov]
[y/n]'s reaction was adorable I couldn't help but laugh as she whines but soon became a laughter. She's amazing. Just all of the above, I don't know how to describe it. Suddenly she gave me a serious stare ( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉) totally serious.
"W-What *tic* is it?"
"TOBY PUT YO F*CKING SHIRT YOU CHILD!!!" OOF that made me jump, I quickly went to my wardrobe and grabbed my shirt and put it on.
"Okie thanks" she gave me a friendly smile, what in the world just happened. A moment she just burst out and now she's sweet??? WHO IS DIS DEMON OVER POWERING HER!?!? Whatever the demon is, [y/n] is adorable. Her mood swings around cluelessly but I think it's cute. She started giggling, how can I live without that? Bless god, she's astonishing! I wish I could tell her how amazing she is.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
For now BAiii!
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