Chapter 28- welcome back dear sister-

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[[a/n]: I am so so sorry my nuuugets for not updating for a while. I guess it doesn't really matter since I checked the reads on my last two recent chapters and let's say no one read it yet so I guess I'm not that late.
Talk less Hope you enjoy!]

[[y/n] pov]~
I walk back to the Slender mansion but Zalgo's words were stuck in my mind.

What am I? What other power do I held? Why didn't Zalgo tell me?

Questions and questions, I didn't notice I arrived until I bumped onto the door.

"Ow..." I said rubbing my forehead. The door slam open only to reveal The one and only: Toby.

"H-hey Toby" he bolt and attack me with a hug, unescapable hug.

"I missed you so much my little Winnie cupcake kitty! You worried me to death! I would never pardon myself if you were gone!"

"Awww Toby, though really I'm fine now can you like let me breathe?"

He then let's me go until I notice he was picking me up so I fell on my b.u.t.t. Right on the dusted ground.

Oh my lord I just notice I didn't get anything for Toby yet...

Shit shit shit

Should I really go back to Zalgo? He's my brother anyways, I should trust him.

Okay, I'll go back to him tomorrow morning before the sun rises. Just to make sure no one will be suspicious of where I'm and heading or ask me any question only to end up with a lie.

[Magical Time Skip~]
I slowly make my way downstairs, making sure not to presse to hard or else the wooden floor is going to make the creaking sound. Since I know some creepypastas has good hearings and reflexes, then I remembered something.

Dude...I can teleport.

"Oh my lord how could I forget?" I whisper to myself while mentally facepalming.

I sighed and teleported outside the mansion.

Closed my eyes and there I am, standing in the middle of my brother's throne room where he is casually sitting on his huge throne.

"My my... dear sister...what brings you back?"

"Well...I i guess I forgot to ask you the question that I came in the first place."

"Oh right, of course! We were so cut off on telling our dear parent's past we totally forgot why you came here..." his voice sounded delighted at the beginning but slowly went dark at the ending of his sentence.

Silence stood in, what seems like forever.

"Well what are we waiting for? Come I'll bring you to my favorite place in my lovely home"

"And where could that be?" I asked as we walked through the old dusty hallways.

Oh... Déjà vu

There stood in front of us...

Another door.

Casual... very unique.

"Sacarstic much?"

"What?" I asked a little confused.

"Oh right I can read minds, forgot to tell you that sis"

"Oh well... I am sacarstic but ya know." I winked and flipped my [h/c] hair with my hands. (Sorry if you have short hair, I have nothing against it but I don't know how to make it sound good and if you're a male then that's also totally fine with me too, just sorry for those with short hair that can't really fit with the scene)

Zalgo burst out laughing.
"You never changed" he said messing with my hair

"I did, I became more fabulous" he busted out laughing again.

"Oh when will you be mine"

"I'm sorry what? Didn't catch that very well"

"It's nothing sister. Have a seat." He gestured to the small tea table by the window.

"Why don't you stay a little longer?" He said with his well known warm smile.

"I actually have a lot of things to do...I just had to as-"

"Oh please...I insiste... mother wouldn't be very mad if she knew her sweet daughter didn't spend much time with her family"

"Well...I guess I stay a bit longer..."

"I'm not sure if you'll come back to them"


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

For now BAiii!

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