Chapter 25- just another day -

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[your pov]
I felt weirded out after what happened with Zalgo. But if I think about it, it's kind of logical, that explains my powers.

I was sitting on the couch, drowning in thoughts. Am I really related to Zalgo? What will happen if everyone found out? Will they still think of me like they are? I decided to practice since I haven't done that in a while, work my brain a bit ya know?

I walked up to my room, grabbed a simple plaine grey hoodie, black ripped jeans and my [f/c] converse. I walked down stairs ready to go out in the woods to practice but was greeted by Jeff.
"Hey [y/n], wassup?"
"I'm going to go practice, need a little work out and a fresh air to get my mind out"
"Can I come?"
"Yeah sure I guess" we walked out to the mid-of the forest.
"Alright, try and hurt me [y/n]" pfft, that simple? I just stared at him, long...

~Jeff's pov~
"Alright, try and hurt me [y/n]" I said confident that she can't even scratch me. She just stared into my eyes with her [e/c] eyes. Seriously I th-
"OWWWW" a stinging pain reached my left eye, I reach for my left eye with my hand and felt a weird liquide. I looked at it. Blood. How? She didn't even move.
"H-how did you?"
"I have powers" she said proudly. I should've known. She laughed victoriously, think you've won that easily? I aimed and jumped at her, she looked shocked but when I was suppose to land on her a sparked happened. She's not there... suddenly...
"Arghh!" There was another stinging pain on my back I turn to see [y/n]. No way...she teleported.
"Y-you teleported?"
"Hmmm, I guess? Probably?" She questioned herself. Does she even know her own powers?

[your pov]
There's no way, no way! I actually teleported! I could become unstoppable with all of these powers! To bad I'm not immortal, that was be even better! What is life?
"Haha, well it was fun training with you Jeff. But I feel like I should head back to the mansion. See ya later bro" I turn and head back to the mansion as Jeff gave me a 15seconds wave.

I walk back to the mansion only to be tackled by a unbearable hug.
"OOF, T-toby, can't breathe, N-need AIR"
"Ah...s-sorry *tic* [y/n]. I-I was just s-so worried about *tic* yo-ou." He said as he let's go of me.
"I'm fine Toby, see? I'm alive!" I said smiling widely at him as he returns the smile.
"Hehe...I g-guess *tic*, anyways yo-you wanna do something *tic* fun?"
"Sure!" He grabs my right hand and drags me up stairs and into Ben's room.
"Y-yo Ben, I'm just going to borrow a few of your games and your wii (go on google if you don't know what's a wii) if you d-don't mind *tic*" Ben didn't even have time to protest, Toby already took everything and dragged me back into his room that used to be ours.

[A/N] Please read
I am so so sorry for the long wait, and also for this short chapter. Bare with me. TO MUCH FUCKING HOMEWORK! But don't worry Christmas holidays are starting this Saturday and I'm going to another country. While on the plane I could continue writing.

I'm running out of ideas so if you have any don't be afraid to share them with me, I'll be sure to give credits ^^.

For now BAiii!
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