Repair shop

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Today was your off day but you got called to come in to cover for someone else. It was pretty slow today so you sat out front fixing a laptop while you blasted your music through your headphones. Not hearing the person come in, you only noticed them when they slammed their hand down on the glass counter scaring the shit out of you. You took your headphones off when you seen the most gorgeous girl ever.

"I'm sorry" demi giggled a little.

"It's alright. How can i help you today?" You asked.

"Well I'm here to pick up my laptop" demi Said copying your British accent.

"That was hella good" you said laughing.

"Could I get your name"

" Demi Lovato" she said.

" oh! Yes, let me go get that for you" you said running to the back to grab her laptop.

Once you found her laptop you brought it out to the front you walked over to the cash register.

"How much?" Demi asked.

"$190 but since you killed that accent $170" you said with a smile.

"Wow. Thanks" she said before paying.

Watching her walk out the door you couldn't help but look at her ass.

"Damn" you said to yourself.


You literally been working on one laptop your entire shift. Picking the laptop up you seen a white little paper under it. Picking it up you seen writing.

"You're cute, you should call me sometime" the note said with a number underneath.

You honestly didn't know who it was From. You had a few people come in today so you wasn't sure at all. Slipping the paper in your pocket you went to go put the laptop in the bin before clocking out.

Once you got home you immediately text the number.

You: so I got your note

Demi: well I was hoping you did☺️

You: but I don't know who you are. I had a few people come in today😬

Demi:🤣 wow

Demi: *voice message*

You: OH ITS YOU! 😍

You: is it cool if I FaceTime you?

Demi: sure

You and demi stayed on face for awhile until she felled asleep on you. You thought she was so adorable when sleeping, taking a quick screenshot you sent it to her after you hung up. You were glad they called you in today.


You and demi been talking for 2 weeks now and you were finally taking her out on a date. She's been talking about going to some haunted house park and that's where you were taking her tonight. You had on some black adidas sweatpants, a white T-shirt with the Adidas logo in the middle and your black yeezys. Driving to Demi's house you were super excited to be taking her out. Pulling up to her apartment building you went to her door.

Demi went running around grabbing everything she need when said heard you knocking at the door.

"Hi" demi Said to you when she opened the door.

" you look beautiful" you said letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Well thank you. You look nice as well" demi blushed.


You couldn't stop staring at Demi. The outfit she had on, she just looked so sexy. Demi noticed how you kept looking at her and she was loving the attention. Demi grabbed your hand as the both of you walked towards the ticket booth.

"You're going to protect me from the clowns right?" Demi asked as she looked at you, nibbling her bottom lip.

"Sure. If I'm not busy screaming" you giggled before kissing her forehead.

You paid for both tickets before entering the gate. You let demi pulled you to where ever she wanted to go first.

"Lets go here babe" demi said.

Your heart always did a million flips when Demi call you those cute little pet names. Standing in the line with Demi, you two talked about random things.

"I have auditions Monday but I'm not 100% positive in myself. Like I heard some of the girls sing and they were really good! And their acting skills...." demi said.

" you know what makes you stand out the most than any of those girls?" You asked.

Demi just looked up at you waiting for you to speak.

"Well you're 1000 times better than them" you said with a smile.

" you haven't even heard me sing" demi laughed.

"I don't have to. I just know you're better"

"Could I kiss you?" She asked.

Nodding your head. You moved demi up in the line when it started moving before turning your attention back to her. You watched as demi slowly leaned in to kiss you but you moved away just to tease her.

" Y/N don't do that. Come here" demi whined.

You laughed before pulling demi closer to you, planting your lips on hers. Demi lips were so soft to definitely wanted more of her. Demi moaned when you pulled away but she still held on to you.

"Your fucking lips.... fuck" demi said.

"Well if you stick around it's plenty more you'll be receiving" you said.

Demi Lovato imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now