Jealous baby

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You were dating the baddest bitch on campus, Demetria Lovato. Everyone wanted her but you were the lucky one that got to call her yours. Sometimes you wonder how you ever got with a girl like her, but opposite attracts. You was the lowkey one, the quiet one, the nice one, The compassionate one. But Demi on the other hand was just the seed of chucky but she definitely had a soft side for you and you only. You was taken out of your thoughts when your blonde headed goddess walked in your room.

"Hey baby" demi said smiling at you.

"What's up" you said returning the smile before putting your attention back to your laptop.

"I honestly came over here to see your beautiful face..... and to ride that beautiful dick of yours" demi said as she came up behind you leaning over leaving kisses on your neck.

" well I can't say no to that" you said turning around in your chair.

"You can't say no to me period" demi Said straddling your lap before she crashed her lips against yours.

You let your hands rest on her waist as the two of you made out. Demi slowly started grinding against you, feeling yourself get turned on you let out a moan.

"I need you so bad" Demi moaned.

You got up with Demi still in your arms. Walking to your room you laid Demi on your bed before you stood to take your shirt off.

"God you're so sexy" demi said biting her bottom lip.

Demi got up crawling towards you, pulling down your sweats she kissed your dick through your briefs making you moan. Demi was just about to pull your dick out until your roommate walked in.

"Hey...shit" Ashely said closing the door quickly.

"I'm sorry" she said from the other said of the door.

"WHAT THE FUCK ASHELY!" Demi yelled getting up.

Your girlfriend had a bad temper, she was like a human ticking time bomb ready to explode on anybody.

"Hey clam down. We still got time" you said kissing her before walking over to your nightstand to get a condom.


"You're crazy to keep fucking the devil" Taylor said.

"You better stop talking about her before she pop up and beat your ass" Ashely said.

You laughed at what your friends said.

"My girlfriend is a nice person" you said chuckling.

"Yeah to you! Maybe because you're giving her dick" Taylor said.

"Yeah, it's definitely that" Ashely said.

You and your friends sat at Panda Express having lunch. Panda Express was the spot for college kids and it was definitely your spot.

"Hey Y/N" amber said smiling, coming over to your table.

"What's up amber" you said smiling back.

"soooo, I was wondering if you could help me write my essay..." Amber asked.

You didn't even see your girlfriend walk up.

"She's fine. Go do your own shit"demi snapped.

"And who the fuck are you?" Amber asked.

It went quiet in Panda Express. Everyone stared at the two girls standing in front of the table.

"Shit. Sus you should leave like right now" Taylor mumbled to amber.

" why should I? I was just asking Y/N a question. I don't know her and she came up to me" amber said.

You watched as your girlfriend stared at amber. Her greenish, gray eyes just staring. Seeing your girlfriend pick up lunch tray, you got up to stop her but it was too late. Demi smacked the shit out of amber with the tray.

"I'm her girlfriend bitch!" Demi said before walking out.

You and your friends following right behind her.

"Babe! Come here baby" you called out.

"Clam down for me please" You said grabbing her face.

"Who the fuck do she think she is talking to me like that" demi said.

"She's crazy babe, she didn't know" you said.

"Naww, Demi's the crazy one" Ashely mumbled so only Taylor could hear.

"Why do people always try to talk to you!? You're MINES" demi said.

"All yours baby girl. I'll see you guys back at campus, I'm going to ride back with Demi" you said taking your girlfriend's hand walking towards her car.

Getting in the car you looked over at Demi with a smile.

"You were totally jealous in there" you said.

"Oh shut up and drive" demi said rolling her eyes.

A/N: if you have a request you can totally send them my way.

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