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You have a girlfriend but you don't, things is very complicated. You've been talking to the same girl for 5 years now and you couldn't get enough of her. Demetria Lovato, the girl who wholes your heart, keep it locked in a cage, and poke at it every now and then when she's bored.

You looked on the side of you staring at Demi while she was sleeping, she passed out after the two of you fucked like rabbits. You slowly got out of bed looking for your clothes that was taken off you last night. You had an early practice and you couldn't be late. You put your clothes back on and left Demi's house, driving to your house you had an hour before you had to be to the school.

"And where the fuck were you last night" your brother asked.

"At Demi's house" you said grabbing the waffles from the freezer.

"I don't understand how she let you smash instead of me, and I'm the good looking twin" he said.

"She's Fucking gay stoopid" you said warming your waffles up.

"And I hope you're ready to leave too"

Your brother couldn't drive because he was on probation so you was stuck taking him places.

"My shit is at the door" he said finishing his cereal.

You left your waffles in the microwave before you ran upstairs changing into your practice clothes and brushing your teeth. You came down with your bag, going in the kitchen grabbing you waffles before leaving out the house.


"You always do this! Like You don't listen at all" Demi snapped.

"Babe you were sleeping" you said walking to your car.

You got in the car connecting your phone to the Bluetooth.

"Don't play with me Y/M/N. You could've woke me up"

You ran your hand over your face as Demi continued to fuss you out. Your brother groaned when he heard her fussing when he got in the car.

" come see me when you finish taking a shower" Demi said.

" she was just at your house last night Fucking your brains out" your brother yelled.

" shut the hell up Johnny and mind your Fucking business"

" alright.... I'll be over there" you said pulling out of the parking lot.

" hang the damn phone up" Johnny said doing it anyways.

"Dude! Why would you do that? She hates that" you said trying to call her back.

" you need to chill, you're not married to're not even dating her for fucks sake" he said.

" what ever" you mumbled.

Once you got home you went to say hi to your grandma, telling her you was leaving out the house after you was done with your shower.


It was game day and the whole team was hyped. Looking over in the stands you seen your brother waving his hands trying to get your attention and once he got it he pointed over to the left. Your eyes moved over to the left until they landed on Demi, laughing and cuddled up on some other chick. You got heated seeing that but you just shook your head turning your attention back to your coach.

"Y/N you're 5th" the team manager said.

When they called the captains to the field you and Karen walked out together shaking the other captains hand. Your team was batting first, you went inside the cage sitting all the way down at the end. You was angry and didn't want to be bothered at the moment. You was so sick of Demi playing with your feelings but you wasn't going to tell her that because you didn't want to lose her.

" hey you ok" Karen asked sitting next to you.

" oh yeah I'm fine" you said smiling at her.

" I see your girlfriend out there" she said talking about Demi.

" she's just a friend" you mumbled.

"Sureeee" Karen chuckled.


You were up next to bat and the bases was loaded.


"Y/N! YOU BETTER GET YOUR TEAMMATES HOME!" Your coach shouted at you.

"COME ON BUBBLEGUM HEAD YOU GOT THIS" your brother shouted.

You looked behind you at Demi seeing her smiling at you which also made you smile. You turned your attention back to the pitcher, positioning yourself. When she pitched the ball you swung and miss.

" fuck" you mumbled to yourself.

Glancing over at Demi once again she was back laughing with that same girl. Getting mad all over again, the pitcher threw a foul ball but you swung for it anyways knocking it right over the gate. Everyone was cheering as your teammates ran home with you right behind them.


After the game you was tired and aggravated, you didn't meet up with Demi like you always didn't after your games. When you didn't meet Demi after the game she took it upon herself to just come to you in the locker room.

"Hey, I was waiting on you" Demi said.

" I don't care" you mumbled taking off your cleats.

"what's your Fucking problem?"

"You! You're my Fucking problem!" You snapped.

You had never yelled at Demi was she was taken back by your outburst.

" you was suppose to be here supporting me! But instead you're all hugged up on some other chick"

" Y/N she's a friend and it shouldn't even matter we're not dating" Demi said.

" alright everyone out" Karen said giving u and Demi privacy.

" so we're just friends?" You asked.

" Y/N we're.... its complicated between us" Demi said not wanting to answer that.

"Just give me a damn answer!"

Demi didn't say anything she just kept her eyes down on the floor. You didn't even know why you was so hurt because you already knew the answer. Wiping the tears that made their way down your cheeks you picked up your bag adjusting it on your shoulder.

" I guess I got my answer. I was so stupid to even fall for a girl like you, you was just leading me on but my heart is not a Fucking toy Demetria" you said as more tears rolled down your face.

" you know how much I loved you. I just don't get you! You tell me to make love to you but we're friends. What kind of shit is that!"

Demi was still speechless as you yelled at her.

" I thi- I think it's best if we just stop talking" you said.

It killed you to say that but you had to do it, you knew you deserve better than that. Someone who's actually going to appreciate you.

"No,no. You don't mean that" Demi said as tears start to fill her eyes.

"Y/N I do love you, and I love our relationship" Demi cried.

You walked away from her heading out the door.

"Y/N! Please!"

You wanted to turn around and hug her so bad, not wanting to see her cry but you kept walking out the door until you couldn't even hear her cry anymore.

Demi Lovato imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now