I want a baby

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" you thirsty? Hungry?" You asked Demi as y'all passed a few food stands.

" yeah, we can stop at this one" Demi said point to the burger stand.

"You want to share a burger baby girl?" You asked.

"Yes" Demi said wrapping her arms around you, laying her head on your tatted chest.

"Coming back to my place after this? Skylar was asking about you" you said.

" gosh I miss her so much, been super busy in the studio. But I'll come tonight and then we can have breakfast together" Demi said turning around to order.

"One burger and two bottle of lemonade please" Demi said.

You pulled your card out to pay beating Demi before she could do so.

"My girl never pays for anything around me" you said grabbing the two waters and burger.

"Ok baby" Demi said biting her tongue not to call you daddy around all these people.

Getting a table, you put the food and drinks on the table before pulling out Demi's chair.

"You're so romantic" Demi smiled making a kissy face to you.

You leaned over giving Demi a quick, little kiss causing Demi to pull you back into the kiss.

" don't ever give me no little kiss like that's" Demi said looking at You.

"You'll get more tonight" you said sitting down.

" I don't want just kisses tonight" Demi said biting her lower lip.

"Be good before I take you in one of these bathrooms"

" if you're trying to dick me down we can forget about this food and leave" Demi said.

"Later babe" You laughed kissing her again.

You and Demi enjoyed y'all food together. Demi hid away from the cameras by cuddling Into you, hiding behind.

"We can go if you want" you suggested.

"But I want ice cream baby" Demi said poking out her bottom lip.

"I can get you ice cream baby. Come on" You said getting up grabbing Demi's hand.

You brought some ice cream before they left the park, Demi driver meeting them in the front. Demi had her legs on Your lap as she ate her ice cream, reaching over to feed some to her girlfriend and a bit of ice cream felled on Demi's thigh. Before she could clean it up you moved her hand out the way before bending down licking the ice cream off, sucking in the same spot leaving a small hickey.

"Baby" Demi moaned.

You smirked before you pulled back sitting up again.

" don't do that" Demi said biting her lower lip.

Demi threw her ice cream out the window before she was straddling your lap kissing you. You wasted no time slipping your hand in Demi's pants rubbing her clit.

"Fuck" Demi moaned grabbing Your arm.

You kissed on her neck as your fingers kept rubbing her clit. Demi started grinding against your hand forgetting max was driving. You and Demi moment got cut short by max. 

"We're here" he said.

You pulled your hand out of Demi's panties before licking both fingers.

"I'll be back" you said getting out the car.

"Gosh max I'm so sorry, I forgot where I was at the moment" Demi said embarrassed.

"That's why I brought these little head phones because it seems like every time we get in a car you and Y/N can't keep y'all hands to y'all self" max said.

"Max thats not true" she laughed.

"Yeah ask Steve"

You came out the house holding your 3 year old daughter in her arms. When she opened the door the little girl squealed when she seen Demi.

"Mommy" she said jumping in the car hugging her.

" hi baby" Demi Said.

" I missed you so much, I been so busy and I'm sorry I didn't have time to come see you or Mama"

"It's ok Mommy" skyler Said.

"Can I have a kiss?" Demi asked puckering her lips.

Skyler nodded her head before pecking Demi's lips. You just smiled at the two, she loved to see them together.

"My mom said hi by the way" You said.

"Oh wait max. Let me go say hi" Demi said getting out the car with skyler still in her hands.

Demi knocked on the door waiting for the old lady to answer. Demi face broke into a smile when the door opened by felled when she seen the lady.

" what's wrong? You don't look so good ma" Demi Said.

"Just feeling under the weather that's all" Janet said.

"Well lets go pack you a bag, I'm not gonna let you stay here by yourself" Demi said walking in.

You looked confused when you seen Demi walking out the house with your mother. You got out the car to see what was going on.

"What's up?"

"She's coming with us, I don't want her staying in the house by herself when she's sick" Demi said to you.

"Oh alright" You said grabbing your mother's bag.


"Stopppppp" Demi said moving Your hand from inside her pants.

"My hands are cold" You laughed.

"So you put them between my legs?"

"Yes. My dick tryna cuddle too ya know" You said sitting up.

"Your dick always trying to cuddle" Demi said pulling you down on top of her.

" I need to be inside you all the time" You said kissing her neck.

"Might as well give me a baby then" Demi Said.

"I told you we can wait till sky is 6" You said.

"It's not no "we" It's you that can wait. I can't Y/N, I've wanted kids for the longest I'm 26 and you're telling me to wait. Move get off me"Demi said moving You off of her getting up grabbing her things to leave.

"Babe" You called out getting out of bed.

"Don't go please, I'm sorry" You said grabbing Demi's hand.

"Let me go Y/N Demi said snatching her hand away.

"You don't fucking get it! I wanted a baby for so long. All my friends have kids, do you Fucking know that people think I'm not able to carry!. When I'm in interview I'm constantly asked am I planning on having a baby. I want a fucking baby but you won't give me one. We can take care of A 3 year old and a newborn. But I'm not going to sit and wait 3 years, I can just do it myself" Demi Said.

You ran her hand through your hair, you honestly didn't want another kid right now, but you'll do anything for Demi.

"Alright you want a baby? We can start practicing" you said pulling Demi towards you.

" no I don't want sex with you" Demi said.

" well Sex play a big part in this baby making process" you said.

"I just want your sperm" Demi said pouting.

"I'll rather do it the regular way" you said kissing Demi's neck.

" I'm still mad at you! We'll make a baby tomorrow so get off me" Demi said moving away from you.

"Fineee" you said rolling your eyes.

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