Soccer part 2

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" coming to the game today?" You asked Demi.

"Maybeee" she said with a smirk.

"You better be there" you said looking at Demi.

"Of course I will silly" she said before kissing you.

You and Demi have been dating for a month now and you couldn't be any happier. Some people didn't like seeing y'all together but you and Demi didn't care.

" maybe you can meet my parents" you suggested.

"Babe I thought you said we were doing a dinner" Demi said.

" we are but I'm excited..... but if you want to wait till the dinner then fine" you said wrapping your arms around Demi.

"Good. Now go to class, I'll be waiting for you by the library" Demi said pecking your lips once more.

You watched as Demi walked away to her class. You knew Demi was special because you never felt the way you did with anyone else, it's like Demi some how made your life better.

" you're so in love with her" Taylor said walking up on you.

" I don't know what it is but I want her forever......yeah it's probably love" you chuckled.

"You guys been together for one month and you're in love? Either her pussy is good or she's really a nice person" Taylor said.

"Both. She's just so prefect to me" you said following Taylor in the classroom.

"Ask Demi if she has a brother..... sister, I swing both ways" Taylor said.

"She's the only child"

"Well when u get tired of her send her my way" Taylor said joking.

"She's mines forever" you said pointing your finger at your best friend.


"so it's like that now Demi?" Ruby said.

" like what?" Demi asked confused.

" why you dating that clown? You knew I been wanted to talk to you since 9th grade.

"Ruby I already told you, I thought you was over this" Demi said.

" I'm so much better than your little girlfriend, you would've got everything if you were my girl" ruby said.

" I don't care about gifts ruby" Demi said leaving.


" stop moving your head baby" Demi said as she put your hair up in a high bun.

" I can't believe you put a bun in my head" you said standing up to look in the mirror.

You wasn't used to all those girly hair styles, you either kept it down or in a ponytail.

" you look so cute babe" Demi smiled kissing your cheek.

" you guys seriously can't get enough of each other. Just one kiss can lead to a baby" Taylor said.

"That why they made condoms" you said wrapping your arms around Demi.

" which you don't use" Demi said.

"Well it looks like imma be a auntie/ god mother pretty soon"

" oh no, I'm on the pill. My auntie would kill me"

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