I hate your dad part 4

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It's been two weeks since you went to jail.... since the last time you seen or spoke to Demi. Somehow the incident got out to tmz and shit definitely haven't been good on your side. You've been getting bashed on social media by everyone especially her fans. Demi had people collecting her things out of your house. You've tried calling but she never picked up.

" remember you don't have to answer anything you feel uncomfortable talking about" your manager said.

" yeah I know" you said taking a sip of your water.

You stood backstage waiting for you cue to walk out. You was kinda nervous because you know Demi will be brought up tonight. You walked out when you were told to, you greeted Ellen before sitting down.

" it's good to see you again Y/N" Ellen said.

" you too! How long has it been since I was last here? Two months?" You asked.

" yeah I think so, but I was at your fight  a week ago" she said.

" oh God you seen that horrible fight"

" yes unfortunately. You had everyone shook! Like that was your first L, what happened?" Ellen asked.

" my mind just isn't in the right place right now" you said.

" well I hope that's the first and last" she said.

" that's if my lucky charm come back to me" you said.

" well I was there at the fight and you still lost" Ellen said joking around.

You laughed along with the crowd at her joke.

" oh. You must be talking about this lucky charm" she said.

A picture of Demi appeared up on the screen, it was from your fight in Vegas. You smiled a bit, staring at the picture for awhile.

" yeah that's my lucky charm" you said.

" and why wasn't she at the fight?" Ellen asked.

You didn't know if you wanted to touch on that topic but then again you wanted to at least put something out there.

" i um... I don't think we're together anymore. I went on a family vacation with her family and me and Demi got into an argument and I ended up putting my hands on her. I let my anger take over me and I ended up hurting her and probably my baby. I didn't mean to hurt her, I love Demi so much that woman has my heart in her hand and I messed that all up" you said as tears felled from your eyes.

"I'm so messed up without her, I haven't seen or spoken to her since the trip. She's my everything" you said.


"How is she? Is the baby still alive" You asked.

" yes the both of them is fine, she still complain about her back every now and then" Matt said.

" that's good. Thanks for agreeing to meet me" you said.

" no problem, you're like one of my best friends" he said.

" I didn't mean to hit her Matt"

" you pushed her. Hitting  and pushing are two different things" he said.

" I still shouldn't have put my hands on her, she's my girlfriend"

" you know if she would've slapped anybody else they would've did much worst than a push. I don't know why you didn't say she slapped you in your interview, you're just letting everyone bash you for the wrong thing and she isn't correcting shit" Matt said.

"She's pregnant, I don't want her stressing" you said taking a sip of your drink.

" she still wants to be with you Y/N her dad was the one that sent them guys there to get her things. She's staying with them at the moment"


you waited an hour in your car for Demi's parents to leave and as soon as they was gone you got out going to the front door. Knocking twice you waited for an answer.

" can we talk please" you asked when Demi opened the door.

Demi was about to close the door on you but you stopped it with your foot.

"Demetria pleaseeeee. I'm begging you, can we talk please"

Demi stepped aside letting you in before she closed the door. You followed her to the living room.

" I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry for hurting you. I didn't mean it, I love you so much and not having you around just kills me" you said as tears began to fill your eyes.

" I know me and your dad don't get along but I'm willing to make things right with him, I'll do anything for you baby. I don't care what it is just please give me another chance, I promise I'll be better... I promise" you sobbed.

Demi began to cry as she listened to you, she loved you like crazy. She was wrong too for hitting you in the first place. Demi moved closer to you wrapping her arms around you. You pulled her close as possible missing the feeling of her in your arms.

" I'm sorry too Y/N. I'm sorry for slapping you" Demi said.

" I don't care about that baby, I just want you and gracey to come home" you said letting your hand rest on her stomach.

" I love you and need you baby and I can't live without you. I know I want to be with you for the rest of my life and I would love to call you my wife" you said pulling out the black box showing the big diamond ring.

You've had that ring for months now. You was planning on proposing to Demi two weeks ago when you all was on a family trip but shit got fucked up. And you couldn't wait any longer, you wanted her back.

"Y/N" Demi gasped.

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