Opposite attract

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Demi waited after school with her friend in the spill out area, where all the kids usually hang at after school. She smiled and grabbed her things when she seen you pull up, Demi said bye to her friends before getting inside.

"Hey baby" you said greeting your girlfriend.

"Oh hiii babe" Demi said leaning over to kiss you.

"You're so cute. How was school?" You asked her as you pulled off.

"It wasn't so bad today but practice was, we had to run suicides" Demi said.

"You want me to massage your claves tonight? You know they're gonna be sore" you said.

" you're the best girlfriend ever" Demi said smiling at you.

Demi was the popular kids in school and it was really shocking for everyone to see Demi dating someone like You. You graduated from the school when Demi was a sophomore, everyone knew who You was since you got jumped by those cheerleaders and the video went viral.

"Do you want to grab some lunch?" You asked.

"Yesss baby I want chicken nuggets plus some dick which I want tonight" Demi said with a smirk.

"Ok, you staying at mines?"

"Yeah, I'll be too tired to move when you're done with me"Demi said putting her feet up on the dashboard.

"how was work today?" She asked you.

"Pretty good, my mom wants me to come visit her"

"When? I wanna come baby, I never been to Mexico"

"Yeah babe you can come, when does the prom tickets go on sale?" You asked.

"Next week, I'll pay for it then"

Demi just stared at you as she drove, She never thought she'll be dating someone like You. She remember when she used to watch as her friend picked on You. But here she was, now so in love with You, giving blowjobs, and having sex.

"Why you looking at me like that?" You asked with a light chuckle.

"You're just so sexy, and I'm so lucky to call you mines" Demi said.

"No,no I'm the lucky one. I didn't think you'll say yes to me actually when I first asked you out at the mall.

"Can't say no to you papi"

"Love you Demetria"

" I love you too baby" she said smiling.


"Demi please don't start" You said as you rolled the bags.

"Why the fuck not, you was over there smiling in that bitch" Demi snapped.

"It was just a smile Demi, you act like I kissed her" You said standing in line.

" you wouldn't be standing here right now if you would have kissed her" Demi said pointing her finger in Your face.

"Demetria don't put your finger in my face, come on that's rude" You said to your girlfriend.

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