Doctor Y/N

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"Come on baby we're going to see mama" demi Said as she got her son dressed.

Demi grabbed the baby Cantu before applying some on Kayden's hair. He went to whining when Demi started rubbing the cream in his hair.

"Ok,ok I'm done" she said kissing his cheek.

Demi strapped him in his bouncer sitting him in front of the tv as she got dressed. Putting on some dark blue jeans and a white loose button up demi slipped on her black flats. Picking Kayden up she grabbed his baby baby and her car keys before heading out the door.

You met Demi 4 years ago when you graduated med school. It was in the summer and you went right into your residence, she had broke her foot and you was the one treating her. You couldn't let her leave without getting her number.

"Dr. Y/L/N you have an old patient that wants to see you" one of the nurses said sticking their head in your office.

"Ah ok send them in" you said closing your laptop.

You smiled when you seen Demi and your son come in.

"What are you two doing here?" You asked getting up to grab your son but kissing Demi's lips in the process.

"Came to have lunch with you of course" demi Said.

"Hi baby boy. Been good for mommy today" you said talking to your son.

"Hell no. He always gives me a hard time when you're not around" demi pouted.

"Babe, it's not like that. He probably just love when we're together and can sense the love" you said.

"Thats your twin" demi said sitting down on the couch.

You smiles when Kayden pressed his lips against your cheek. Kissing his cheek back you grabbed your wallet from your desk before getting up.

"Let go get lunch" you said adjusting your son on your hip.


" babe he's only 9 months he can't eat that" demi said.

" Demi he can start eating table food and all I'm giving him is mash potatoes and corn" you said feeding your son.

" his stomach probably can't take that right now"

" I'm a Doctor"

" You're a fucking surgeon not pediatrician" demi snapped.

" give him to me" she said.

You sat there ignoring Demi as you continued to feed Kayden. He was loving the food especially the mash potatoes. He got mad when you ate.

"Hey this is my food that I'm sharing with you. Clam down" you chuckled.

Kayden went reaching for the spoon himself, trying to take it out your hand.

" I got it. Here"you said giving him more.

"Mmm" Kayden said kicking his little legs.

You looked over a demi and she had completely stop eating and was now into her phone. You rolled your eyes and continued eating. You asked for the check when you were done.

"Are you going to take that home?" You asked Demi but she didn't reply to you.

You cleaned Kayden's mouth before grabbing his baby bag and the check, getting up to go pay. Demi walked out the restaurant while you paid for lunch. Getting to the car your strapped Kayden down in his car seat, turning on the tv in the back of the seat. The ride back to the hospital was silent except for the noise coming from the tv in the back. Once you had done parked the car Demi got out going around to get Kayden.

" I got him" you said.

" we're not going back inside. I'm going home" Demi said.

" that's fine, I'll walk y'all to the car" you said picking up Kayden who was already knocked out.

Demi unlocked her door getting in while you strapped Kayden in. After you was done you opened Demi's door, leaning over so that you was in her face.

" I don't care that you're upset with me, I still love you like crazy. You're just very protective and cautious about everything because you're a first time mother and that's normal but he got to let him try new things babe. Love you" you said pecking her lips.

" So Much" you said kissing her again, this time longer until she finally returned the kiss back.

" Love you too" she mumbled.

" see you when I get home" you said smiling at Demi making her blush.

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