I hate your dad

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"Demi do I have to go? I really don't want to" you said following Demi around the house.

"No baby you don't have to go anywhere" she said fixing the pillows on the couch.

"Oh thank god"

"Because their coming here" Demi said with an oops look on her face.

"Seriously. What the fuck, you didn't even talk to me about this" you said.

"Yes baby I know and I'm sorry but my mom wanted to spend Christmas with us" Demi said walking over to you wrapping her arms around your waist.

She looked up at you with her bottom lip poked out waiting on a response from you.

"Whatever" you said rolling your eyes.

Behave for me please.... I promise I'll slob you down tonight" Demi said leaning up on her toes pecking your lips.

"Ride me too?" you threw in there.

" yes Daddy I'll ride you too" she laughed.

"Then you got a deal" you said smiling at your girlfriend.

"When are they coming?" You asked sitting on the couch that Demi just fixed up.

" babe!I just fixed that couch. And their coming at 3" she said.

"Why are you doing all this anyways their your family they know you're not this fucking neat" you said.

"Get the fuck up" Demi said trying to pull you off the couch.

You sat there laughing as she pulled your arm, your girlfriend is only 5'0 (A/N: yes ik how tall she actually is but this is fiction) she's so small thinking she could actually pull you up. You grabbed her arm pulling her on top of you.

"you forgot that you're like munchkin size huh?" You said laughing.

"Yes I know" she said hiding her face in the crook of your neck before biting you.

"Can I have a kiss" you asked puckering your lips out.

" no because you messed up the couch" she said moving to get off you.

You pulled her back down on your lap before attacking her face with kisses.

"Ew I don't know where your mouth been" she joked.

"Between your legs" you said pecking her lips.


You were upstairs in bed all cuddled up under the blanket watching "the good doctor" Demi's family came about 2 hours ago and you have yet to come downstairs. And you didn't want to either.

"Babe. My mom is asking about you, come downstairs" Demi said coming in the room that you two shared together.

" ughhh. I don't want to" you whined.

"Y/M/N now" Demi said in a stern voice.

You rolled your eyes before sliding off the bed onto the floor. Demi walked over to you smacking your butt.

"Come on" Demi said holding her hand out for you.

You took it, dropping all your weight on Demi as she tried to help you up.

"Fuck" Demi said as she felled on top of you.

You gripped her ass with both hands pressing her up against you.

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