Dont deny part 2

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"Alright, this will be you guys room. King size bed, the bathroom, flat screen tv" You mom said.

"I can't thank you enough Mrs. Y/L/N" Demi said wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Oh it's nothing honey, I wouldn't want you and those kids out on the streets" she said.

" I'll let you all get settled in and you can come downstairs if you want" she said leaving out the room.

"Ok," Demi said smiling to the lady.

Demi took Brooklyn and Anthony downstairs with her since they were the only two that was up. Sitting on the couch with Brooke in her arms and tony cuddled to the side of her.

"Hi I'm kayla, Y/N's little sister"

"I'm Demi and this is Anthony and Brooklyn" Demi said smiling at the girl.

"Oh yeah mami, this is Y/N baby. She looks just like her, she's so beautiful" kayla said.

"Thank you"

Demi heard steps coming from the steps looking up she seen her two other boys coming down.

"Mommy I'm hungry," Alex said walking over to his mom.

"Oh I can fix some lunch, but in the meantime come get some chips," your said going into the kitchen.

"Go get chips from her boys," Demi said telling them to follow the lady.

"I'm sorry about my sister, she's an asshole. But she can't deny that baby, she looks just like Her"kayla said.

"She already denied her, I only went to her because I didn't want my kids sleeping in a cold car anymore, especially with a newborn. I went to my boy's dad and he told me no that we couldn't stay there" Demi said rocking her daughter.

"Listen if you want to put her on child support you go ahead and do so, she's not helping you and she makes a lot of money so you'll receive a good amount," Kayla said.

"No it's fine, she doesn't have to help out with her. I can raise her on my own" Demi said.

"If you ever need anything tell me and i'll get it. That's my niece and i'll treat her brothers like my nephew" she said.

"Thank you," Demi said wiping her eyes.

"You want to hold her?"

Demi gave the baby over to the auntie before she went to the kitchen to see her sons eating, she had a smile on her face because of these people been so nice to her and her kids. Sitting down at the table she watched as her boys ate, making sure they were full.

"I know that look, it's enough food here so you can eat too Demi," Maribel said.

"O... ok "


You had gotten a call from your sister saying how cute your kid was and that she just got finish seeing her. You was furious, jumping in your car you headed to your mother's house. You didn't see your mom's car, just seeing the girl's car. You got out unlocking the door with the house key. Demi looked over to the door when she heard someone coming in, jumping up when she saw who it was.

"are you out of your fucking mind!" You snapped not even seeing the baby on the floor.

"why would you come to my fucking family! you need to go, you and your kids" You said.

"she's yours, she looks just like you even your family think so. your mother gave me and my kids a roof over our head, this isn't your house to tell me to get out" Demi said not backing down.

hearing the baby cry you turned your head looking at the baby in the carrier. the little girl did look like you.

"ok...what do you want from me? money?" You asked.

"no, I just want you to be there for her. I want the best for my kids" Demi said walking over to pick up the crying baby.

"alright. I guess that didn't work on your kids father because you wouldn't be here right now"you said.

"Fuck you" Demi said sending you a glare.

"Yeah wish I would've wore a condom too" you said in your head.

"My bad" you mumbled.

"what's her name?" You asked.

"Brooklyn Lovato... you want to hold her?" Demi asked.

"um, no that's fine I have to go anyways"


" come on boys stop playing around and watch the movie" Demi said as she tried to make her sons sit down.

"hey, sit down and chill" You said to the boys.

they all sat down on the couch watching a movie at You house.

it's been 2 months and You is finally accepting the fact that you have a daughter. You started being there more, going to her doctor's appointments not missing anything. You even dropped all the ladies you were sleeping around with. Brooklyn was now your number one priority now. You looked over to your side seeing Brooklyn staring at you as she sat in Demi's arm.

"you see your mami baby girl" Demi cooed.

"she's been smiling at you for the longest" Demi said to You.

"you want my attention baby girl" you said reaching over to grab Brooke.

"mommy, can I have milk?" tony asked.

"yeah baby come on"

Demi walked in the kitchen with tony behind, few minutes later her other two boys came in the kitchen as well.

You sat on the couch cuddling your daughter, kissing her little hands.

" my princess. Love you" you said kissing her cheek.

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