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"Emi! Emi!" Anthony shouted coming in the house.

You put your son down before he took off running to find your girlfriend.

" is that my little Ant! Hi baby" she said picking the little boy up kissing him all over his face.

"Mommy!" He squealed in excitement when he seen Demi.

You just laughed at how he always mixed it up with Demi. One minute she'll be "Emi" and the next she's "mommy"

" hi babe" Demi said walking over to you pecking your lips.

" what's up? How are you?" You asked sitting down.

" Tired from filming all day. Can you two stay the night?" Demi asked as she held Anthony in her arms.

" yeah but I have to go to Walmart and get him more diapers. Gonna come or stay here?" You asked.

"Umm I think I'll go. Are you going now?" Demi asked kissing Anthony's little hands.

" later on, the traffic is terrible right now and I don't want to go back in all that right now" you said looking over at your girlfriend.

"Why you looking at me like that?" Demi asked letting Anthony go over to you.

" you're just so fucking sexy" you said grabbing whole of Anthony.

" don't cuss around him babe"

You and Demi been dating for two years now. She came around during the worst time, at the time you were fighting for custody over your son. You wasn't getting no sleep at all, just worried about your son being in the hands of your stupid baby mama. Demi came in and just turned your life all the way around, she would attend court with you. And even now she does a lot for your son.

" tell mommy you don't understand" you said.

"Emi" he said pointing at Demi.

"So you know the teen choice awards is coming up" Demi said.

" babe I told you I had to work remember?" You reminded her.

"Yeah I know baby..... I was wondering if I could take Anthony as my little date. He'll stay with me the whole time and when I perform Kelsey will have him" Demi said.

You sat Anthony in the space between you and Demi. But he pulled himself up using your shirt, you caught him when he almost felled.

" sit down bud, you barely know how to walk" you said to him.

Anthony lip started to tremble as you spoke, turning his head towards Demi he leaned his head over on Demi before he started crying.

" oh baby" Demi said picking him up.

" you hurt his feelings" Demi said rubbing his back.

" because you're sitting there. He's a mommy's boy" you said.

"And you don't have to ask dems, you're his mom too. He definitely can go with you I have no problem with that"

" ok" Demi said smiling at you.


" we're about to leave now, the car just pulled up" Demi said to you over the phone.

" ok love, have a good time and you're gonna kill it during your performance" you said.

" will you be watching?" Demi asked as she picked up Anthony while Kelsey got his bag and car seat.

" yes of course babe, but I have to go. Gotta scrub in" you said.

" wait baby! You said you was going to watch, how can you when you're going to be in surgery" Demi whined.

" babe it's a simple one, I'll be in and out" you chuckled.

"Ok, love you"

" love you too" you said before hanging up.


"Hi Demi how are you?" The reporter asked.

" I'm fine thank you"

"And who is this little cutie" she asked grabbing Anthony's hand.

Anthony pulled his hand back before hiding his face in the crook of Demi's neck.

"This is Anthony, he's a shy baby" Demi said kissing his head.

"Did you adopt him?" The reporter asked.

"He's my son. I've been his life since he was a little baby" Demi stated.

"So does he call you mommy?"

Demi was getting really annoyed with these questions already.

"I'm comfortable with what ever he calls me. But it was nice talking to you" Demi said ending it there.

"Mommy" Anthony said pointing at one the Smurfs that was walking around.

" yeah baby you see that" Demi smiled.


After work you headed home planing on getting Anthony in the morning. You was tired as hell and just wanted to shower, eat and go to bed. Getting to your house you walked inside putting your key on the rack before walking to your room. Seeing Demi and Anthony in your bed sleeping you smiled at them before snapping a picture. You walked in the bathroom and started stripping out your clothes before jumping in the shower. Halfway through your shower you felt arms wrap around you knowing it was Demi.

"Hey baby" you said turning around.

She didn't say anything she just laid her head against you. You lifted her head before pecking her lips.

" missed you" she mumbled against your lips.

"Me too baby. You did great by the way" you said rubbing her back.

" thanks. How was work?" She asked.

" good. Just tired as hell, glad I'm home though" you said.

" yeah me too"

Demi Lovato imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now