Teacher part 3

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"Finally summer break!" You said as you sat in your car waiting for Demi and Ava to come out of the school.

Today was the last day of school and you couldn't be happier. You had everything planned out for the summer, you wanted to take Ava to Disney world and you also wanted to spend some one on one time with Demi. You guys wasn't official or anything but you two are seeing each other. Demi was honestly a great person and you never met anyone like her before and that's what drew you more towards her.

" Y/N! I got a candy bag from my music teacher" Ava said as soon as she got in the car.

" oh yeah!? How awesome" you said matching her excitement.

" I can't wait to eat it all" Ava said.

" no baby girl you're not eating all that. You only can have two candies out of the bag" Demi said getting in the passenger seat.

" didn't see you all day beautiful" you said grabbing her hand.

" yeah I know... I'm sorry. Ms. Campbell had me taking down all the stuff in the room" Demi said looking over at you.

"That old lady just need to retire already" you said pulling out the parking lot.

"Y/N can we cuddle and have Disney night tonight?" Ava asked.

" that sounds super awesome baby, of course we can" you said to the little girl.

Demi and Ava haven't moved out and you honestly didn't want them to. You're more happy with them around and your house isn't dead anymore. It's filled with laughter and joy. Even though Demi and Ava still shared rooms Demi always found her way inside your room and in your arms at night.

Driving home, Ava jumped out the car running towards the porch to sit on the swing you had installed. You stopped Demi before she could get out the car. You lend over pecking her lips a few times before smiling.

"I needed that" Demi said looking at you.

"Yeah me too" you said before kissing her again.

"Love your lips" you murmured.

"Oh yeah? Which ones?" Demi teased.

You was taken back by Demi's sexual comment since.

"Well I'll love to see how the other pair feels" you said biting your lip.

Demi chuckled before getting out the car, you following right behind her.


"Ok ms. Woods thank you" Demi said before hanging up.

"So that was the social worker" Demi said moving to sit next to you.

"And what she say?" You asked.

" ummm I told her..... that we're in a relationship now and I stay with you" Demi said looking at you for your reaction.

"That's fine" you simply said.

You had no problem with it at as long as it kept Demi and Ava around you'll go with the flow.

" really? You're not upset?" Demi asked.

" of course not, I'm ok with it" you said pulling Demi on your lap.

"Could you take me to her office tomorrow too? I have to do a drug test" Demi said.

" yeah, no problem"

"You're the best" Demi said smiling at you before kissing your lips.

That one kiss started a whole make out session. You were so turned you were pretty sure your dick was poking right now.

You wasn't embarrassed about it since you explained it awhile ago to Demi when she was confused about who kept leaving the toilet seat up.

You pulled away from Demi to calm down, your neck, face and ears were red and hot. You gently move Demi off your lap before standing up. Demi eyes went straight to the tent in your pants, Demi really wanted you but she was just too scared to take the next step.

" I'll be back" you said before running upstairs.

"Fuck" Demi groaned when you were out of hearing distance.

The sexual tension was building up between you two. Demi got up to go check on Ava to see if she was still sleeping. You came back down once you got rid of your boner.

"Still sleeping?" You asked talking about Ava.

"Yeah she is"


"My stomach hurt" Ava said to you from the back seat.

" gotta go number two?" You asked.

"No" she said.

"Ok come up here baby girl"

Ava crawled up in the front sitting on your lap. Resting her head on your chest you began rubbing her little stomach, it wasn't long until she was sleep. You slowly got out to lay her down in the back seat.

"Sorry I took so long she was giving me my court date" Demi said coming out the building.

"It's fine. Ava said her stomach was hurting so I rubbed it for her since belly rubs always take the pain away" you smiled.

"I'll probably from eating all that candy I told her not to eat. I'll have to buy her medicine" Demi said as you pulled out the parking lot.

" you wanna go do that now?" You asked.

"Yes please" Demi said grabbing your hand, locking y'all fingers together.

Raising her hand up, you lended over kissing her hand.

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