A little laugh

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Demi sat at the lunch table with her friends laughing at a joke Jose said when she seen a familiar jacket pass by but it wasn't on the body who the jacket actually belongs to. Demi watched the girl walked by with her girlfriend jacket on, her eyes scanned the room until they felled on You who was sitting across the cafeteria with her friends.

"I'll be back guys, watch my bag" Demi said as she got up from the table to walk over to You.

Demi made her way over to you tapping your shoulder.

" oh hey babe" You said smiling at her.

"Where's your jacket? Let me hold it" demi said holding out her hand.

Your smile dropped as soon as demi asked about your jacket. Remembering you let one of the cheerleaders hold your jacket, you quickly made up a lie.

" oh it's in my locker" you said.

Demi snacked you right in your arm.

"Go get your fucking jacket from that girl" Demi said sternly.

You didn't even protest you got up going over to the chick you let hold your jacket,  looking back seeing demi watching you.

"Hey Stacy Imma need my jacket back" You said.


Demi sat straddling You as y'all made out in her bed. Youbhad one hand on Demi's ass and your phone in the other. You're in a group message with her friends. Trying to kiss and text at the same time just wasn't workin with you.

"Babe, I'm over here not on that phone" demi said turning you head back towards her.

Demi took Your bottom lip between her teeth pulling gently causing you to let out a moan. You pulled demi closer grinding upwards trying to get a little friction, looking over when her phone went off. Trying to ignore it the best you could, you secretly grabbed your phone holding it up behind Demi's head. You laughed at a text message and ended up blowing air in Demi's mouth causing her to choke.

"Y/N what the fuck" demi said.

"Ouuuu sorry baby" you said patting her back.

"What's so fucking important on that damn phone" demi said snatching the phone.

"Babe I'm just in a group chat with Ben and the rest of them.

"Well I'm over here trying to fuck you but you're fucking texting your friends" demi Said.

"Oh! You're trying to fuck? I thought we was just making out but in that case........ yeah I'm ready" You said standing up taking your clothes off.


"You really don't have to wear that to a concert demi" You said about your girlfriend's outfit which was very much revealing.

"It's fine" Demi said looking at herself in the mirror.

"What the fuck, it's not fine. You got half your ass out and your under boobs showing"

"Ok what's wrong with that? I want to look good" Demi said.

"No your ass is not about to be getting no type of attention from a bunch of strangers. Go change" you said.

"No" demi said walking out the house.

You grabbed the blanket from the couch before you left out the house behind her.

Once they got to the concert you had the blanket in your hand. You walked behind demi covering her back.  You stopped when she seen a guy looking at Demi for too long.

"What the fuck are you looking at Dude! I'm fucking that" You said.

"Would you stop. And why do you have this damn blanket" demi asked.

"For you! You need to cover up or I'm gonna be snapping at people all night" You said.

"Goddddd what are you my girlfriend or my daddy" demi said trying to pull her shorts down.

"I'm both" you was with a smirk.

"Fuck You Y/N" demi said rolling her eyes.

"Oh I will. Right after this concert" you laughed.

A/N: I couldn't come up with a title 😬

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