17 - Determined

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So, now we've met Alison's mate! I hope you all understand why she's so upset about it. I mean, she went from being in a pack where she was sexually assaulted by her Beta, with a father that didn't care and a dead mother. It's understandable why she would deem herself as not ready for a mate or love.


I woke early the next morning. My wolf was excited. She couldn't wait to see our mate again, but little did she know, I planned on avoiding him as best as possible. I didn't want to talk to him. I wasn't ready for a relationship. I wasn't ready for him, for anything like that.

I pulled on my workout clothes and for some reason sensed that I would be running alone. But I didn't mind. I wanted to run by myself. I wanted to be alone and I didn't like the idea of my mate possibly showing up.

I left the house, slipping past Ezra and Jenny who were tangled up in each other in the middle of the kitchen. I often walked in on them kissing, and it never usually bothered me. But on this particular morning, it made me feel sick to my stomach.

I thought about my mate. Liam. I thought about how we might be like that one day. It made me happy and sad at the same time.

I started on my run, keeping a slow jog at first. The air was bitterly cold and I almost decided to go back to the cabin and sit in front of the fireplace instead. But I didn't. I ran anyway.

I made my way up the rocky hills and then back down again where I took a right instead of a left. I tried to stretch out this run as much as I could.

I thought about everything and anything to do with my mate on my run.

Was he going to be a nice wolf? The day before, he seemed so angry. He didn't seem hurt as such, but he was pissed. He scared me with his angry heat and humming blood. Was he like that all the time?

I didn't like the idea that I would have to basically give up everything for this male. I didn't even know him. I knew his name and that he belonged to Takiani. That was it. I didn't know anything about him.

It was unfair that I had to give myself to him.

When I made it back from my run, I met with Alfie. He looked over me quizzically before he chuckled and shook his head. I assumed that everyone knew who my mate was. I hated it.

"The river is getting to cold to swim in. It'll be freezing over soon enough and I don't feel like being the reason that you and Lila get hypothermia," Alfie told me as we walked. I assumed that we would be moving straight into sparring, but then Alfie lead me past the rings. He pulled out a chair, opened a can of beer and sat on a chair.

He motioned towards the giant pile of bricks and wood that was in front of us. I frowned at him.

"I want these moved... there. Right there," he told me, pausing to point at a spot on the dirt. I rolled my eyes at him. We was seriously going to make me move this stuff for him?

Couldn't he just ask some omegas to do it?

"You're kidding me," I said. Alfie shook his head at me and drank from his beer. He motioned for me to get moving and I sighed.

I moved all the bricks and pieces of wood to the location that Alfie wanted them. It hurt my back and my arms badly. It made them ache and I wanted desperately to quit. But I knew that I had to push through and get the job done.

The quicker that I finished it, the quicker I could get to sparring with Kade. I could finally get the opportunity to take some of my feelings out on him by kicking his ass. Again.

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