78 - The Other Guys

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Where do you think Alison will go for here? What will she do? And what about Bodie?


"Do you think you two could shut up?" Jax hissed at Bodie and Gwendoline. I raised my eyebrows at my brother and reached across the table, punching his arm.

I looked back to Bodie and Gwendoline with a polite smile. They both laughed at me and Gwendoline winked.

Bodie pulled Gwendoline closer to him, and she wrapped her arms around him as he kissed the crescent shaped moon on her neck. She smiled weakly.

Gwendoline was officially Bodie's mate. She was also Lauri's little sister. Gwendoline was visiting Lauri for a week, and it just happened to be that Bodie and her met the night we arrived in Terialta.


"We need to discuss a plan, Ali. You can't stay here," Beckett said as he sat at the table. He drank from his coffee mug and put it back down as Lauri walked over and sat on his lap. She winked at me.

"The first place Henry will think to look will be here. He'll come, and you'll be forced to go back. Not to mention, Liam will probably be here in moments once he realises that you're here," Beckett said. Rae chuckled from across the table.

"Aw man, Liam. I miss that guy!" Rae said through chuckles as Samaya nudged his arm. Jax chuckled lightly from next to me.

"Where else could we go? I'm not going back to Henry. Not if he's going to throw me in the damn dungeons again. He'll probably try to kill me for setting Mira and Bodie free too," I shrugged at Beckett. I held my mug close and let the warmth come through the cup and onto my hands.

Beckett screwed up his face until Samaya piped up. "What about up south? With Liam's family? That's too far for Henry to go, and I'm sure no one would think you'd go up there."

I nodded slowly and looked to Beckett for approval. He nodded at me and grabbed his phone from his pocket. He slid it across the table to me.

"I have their number. Call. Organise it. Bodie, you will go with her. They'll bring you back if they find you here too," Beckett said, looking to Bodie. He nodded at him.

"What about me?" Gwendoline asked. I noticed Bodie squeeze her waist. I longed for Liam to do the same to me. I missed him badly.

"You can go with, but I swear to god, if you die, I'll march up there and I'll kick your damn ass," Lauri hissed out. Her sister smirked and Lauri smiled weakly.

"What happens if Henry does march up here looking for me?" I asked. I had told Beckett and the others everything. They knew all about what Henry had done.

Jax growled lowly. "I'll tear off his fucking head."

I elbowed him in the side and he only shrugged at me. I rolled my eyes and looked to Beckett. He rubbed his chin in thought.

"We'll tell him nothing. He's not our Alpha. We don't owe him anything. What happens in the pack, stays in the pack," Beckett said simply. I nodded, not wanting to argue.

"Go make the call, sis," Samaya nodded to me. I stood and nodded. I grabbed Beckett's phone and left the room. I found Nicolas' name in his contacts and I called.

I stood in my room and sat on the end of the bed. The phone rang three times before the ringing stopped and I heard Nicolas speak.

My heart was racing already.

"Hey Beckett, what can I do for you?" Nicolas answered. I smiled at my uncle's voice. I missed my other family.

"Hi Nicolas. It's Alison," I said. I heard whispers on the other line.

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